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The World’s Quietest Blast Nozzles

• Up to 75% Quieter!
• 45% Less Thrust!
Snakebite Family Set of 3

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Snakebite – Reduced Thrust and Noise

Snakebite’s LPS Caps – Low Pressure Silencer

Extra Quiet & Low Thrust Nozzles

Name DELETE Sizes Best Scenarios Benefits Related Docs Buy Now
LPS silencer nozzles LPS (Low Pressure Silencer Attachments) 6 / 7 / 8 2” (50mm) Coarse
Contractor Thread
  • These silencing caps work with our Snakebite nozzles, providing the same benefits as our traditional Snakebite silencers, but for working pressures between 70-90 psi.
  • Lower thrust allows improved maneuverability, especially when reaching or frequently changing positions
  • Up to 16dB noise
  • Significant thrust
    reduction provides
    45% less fatigue
  • Reduces noise complaints, hearing loss, blaster fatigue
Snakebite Flex blast nozzle SNAKEBITE FLEX 6 / 7 / 8 2” (50mm) Coarse
Contractor Thread
  • Best for blasting in tight spaces and around obstacles like pipe, brackets and general structural steel
  • Replaces the TVP and Ultra Nozzles with a silenced blast nozzle.
  • Used where noise is a concern and you have smaller areas that need to be blasted, ie structural steel
  • Lower thrust allows improved maneuverability, especially when reaching or frequently changing positions
  • Up to 16dB noise
  • Significant thrust
    reduction provides
    45% less fatigue
  • Reduces noise complaints, hearing loss, blaster fatigue
  • Shorter nozzle allows you to use it in more confined environments
Snakebite XQ blast nozzle SNAKEBITE XQ 6 / 7 / 8 2” (50mm) Coarse
Contractor Thread
  • Best when you need a higher productivity quiet nozzle but don’t have the air to use a SnakeBite Strike (632 cfm per #10 nozzle)
  • Good for general steel work or concrete where access it not an issue
  • Suited for most blasting activities you will encounter
  • Working alongside other trades
  • Noise sensitive jobsites
  • Urban areas
  • Blastrooms where other employees are working nearby
  • Lower thrust reduces the risk of strain related injuries – especially when operators need to blast continuously for long periods of time.
  • Up to 16dB noise reduction
  • Significant thrust reduction provides 45% less fatigue
  • Reduces noise complaints, hearing loss, blaster fatigue
Snakebite Strike blast nozzle SNAKEBITE STRIKE 10 2” (50mm) Coarse
Contractor Thread
  • When you need the highest productivity hand-held blast nozzle on the market
  • Large work surfaces, tanks, ships, where you have plenty of room to move, and production matters
  • Reduces the overall blasting time on projects – reduces your time onsite and increases your profit
  • Up to 16dB noise reduction
  • Significant thrust reduction provides 45% less fatigue
  • Reduces noise complaints, hearing loss, blaster fatigue
  • Increase productivity up to 54% over traditional nozzles
  • #10 thrust feels like standard #7 thrust
LPS silencer nozzles SNAKEBITE FLEX Blast Nozzle Snakebite XQ blast nozzle Snakebite Strike blast nozzle
Sizes 6 / 7 / 8 6 / 7 / 8 6 / 7 / 8 10
Thread 2” (50mm) Coarse  Contractor Thread 2” (50mm) Coarse  Contractor Thread 2” (50mm) Coarse Contractor Thread 2” (50mm) Coarse Contractor Thread
Best Scenarios
  • These silencing caps work with our Snakebite nozzles, providing the same benefits as our traditional Snakebite silencers, but for working pressures between 70-90 psi.
  • Best for blasting in tight spaces and around obstacles like pipe, brackets and general structural steel
  • Replaces the TVP and Ultra Nozzles with a silenced blast nozzle.
  • Used where noise is a concern and you have smaller areas that need to be blasted, ie structural steel
  • Best when you need a higher productivity quiet nozzle but don’t have the air to use a SnakeBite Strike (632 cfm per #10 nozzle)
  • Good for general steel work or concrete where access it not an issue
  • Suited for most blasting activities you will encounter
  • Working alongside other trades
  • Noise sensitive jobsites
  • Urban areas
  • Blastrooms where other employees are working nearby
  • When you need the highest productivity hand-held blast nozzle on the market
  • Large work surfaces, tanks, ships, where you have plenty of room to move, and production matters
  • Lower thrust allows improved maneuverability, especially when reaching or frequently changing positions
  • Up to 16dB noise
  • Significant thrust
    reduction provides
    45% less fatigue
  • Reduces noise complaints, hearing loss, blaster fatigue
  • Shorter nozzle allows you to use it in more confined environments
  • Lower thrust allows improved maneuverability, especially when reaching or frequently changing positions
  • Up to 16dB noise
  • Significant thrust
    reduction provides
    45% less fatigue
  • Reduces noise complaints, hearing loss, blaster fatigue
  • Shorter nozzle allows you to use it in more confined environments
  • Lower thrust reduces the risk of strain related injuries – especially when operators need to blast continuously for long periods of time.
  • Up to 16dB noise reduction
  • Significant thrust reduction provides 45% less fatigue
  • Reduces noise complaints, hearing loss, blaster fatigue
  • Reduces the overall blasting time on projects – reduces your time onsite and increases your profit
  • Up to 16dB noise reduction
  • Significant thrust reduction provides 45% less fatigue
  • Reduces noise complaints, hearing loss, blaster fatigue
  • Increase productivity up to 54% over traditional nozzles
  • #10 thrust feels like standard #7 thrust
Related Documents

Experience the BENEFITS


The SnakeBite XQ reduces noise generated by up to 16 dBA – that’s equivalent to up to 75% quieter than standard nozzles, and the typical high pitched screech is now gone.
Reduce the risk of operator and bystander hearing related injuries and increase your ability to comply with workplace noise regulations.


Start blasting operations earlier and finish later with reduced noise impact on noise sensitive areas. Reduce noise related exclusion zones in workshops, areas adjacent to blast rooms and site blasting operations. This will provide increased access and flexibility. Reduce or eliminate sound absorbing barriers when blasting operations are conducted close to noise sensitive


Lower nozzle thrust reduces operator strain and increases the ability to control the nozzle – reducing the risk of manual handling related injuries and injuries related to loss of nozzle control.  Importantly operators will have more energy at the end of the day improving their quality of life.


The unique design of the nozzle and silencer reduces nozzle thrust by up to 45%. Operators can better maneuver the nozzle across the surface and will be less fatigued over the shift and on an ongoing basis – a key factor allowing high cleaning rates to be achieved throughout the shift and project. Nozzle thrust reduces to that of a nozzle two sizes smaller when the silencer is fitted. Using a no. 7 SnakeBite XQ feels like you’re using a standard no. 5 nozzle.


Noise and nozzle thrust reduction occur automatically across a wide range of operating pressures 90-110psi – simply screw on the silencer and away you go. Slimline ergonomic nozzle jacket design reduces operator hand fatigue.


An entirely new operator experience. It feels different, it sounds different – and let’s face it, it looks fantastic! There is no other nozzle like it. The ultimate production tool that delivers contractors and asset owners lower noise, lower operator fatigue and improved project outcomes, ticking the box on the key challenges faced by the blasting industry today.

The Snakebite XQ (Extra Quiet) Blast Nozzle

Comparison With Standard Nozzles


Recently, BlastOne launched it’s most innovative product to date – The Snakebite XQ – which we claim to be the world’s quietest abrasive blasting nozzle.

That’s a pretty substantial claim and so we’d like to demonstrate how we can defend such a claim.


How loud is 1 decibel?

Volume is not measured on a linear scale like our base-10 number values where “20” is twice as much as “10”.  When it comes to decibel levels, “20dB” is ten times louder than “10dB”.  That’s because decibel volume is measured on a logarithmic scale – which can be very confusing.


10 dB ………………….. Breathing
20 dB ………………….. Whisper, rustling leaves
30 dB ………………….. Quiet rural area
40 dB ………………….. Library background noise
50 dB ………………….. Conversation at home
60 dB ………………….. Conversation in restaurant public area
110-120 dB…………… Abrasive blast nozzle at 100psi

What’s the value of 10 dB?

  • If we reduce decibel volume from 120 dB to 110 dB, we will have effectively reduced the relative volume by 50%.
  • If we reduce decibel volume from 120 dB to 100 dB, we will have reduced volume by 75%.
  • If we reduce decibel volume from 120 dB to 90 dB, we will have reduced volume by 87.5%


  • At our corporate testing and demonstration site we set up a standard blasting layout.
    • 0375 Compressor…. into an air prep… into a 6.5 cuft blast pot.  We ran our tests at 100 psi and used GMA Toughblast as the abrasive coming out of the nozzle.
  • We test the following 3 nozzles
    • Ultra-Tuff
    • Hyper
    • Snakebite XQ
  • We took decibel readings at three different distances from the blast nozzle
    • 5 ft (approx 1 metre)
    • 25 ft (approx 7.5 metres)
    • 50 ft (approx 15 metres)

Here are our readings:


5ft (1m) 114 dB 113 dB 98 dB
25ft 7.5m) 107 dB 105 dB 90 dB
50ft (15m) 102 dB 99 dB 83 dB




5ft (1m) Snakebite XQ is approx   62% quieter (16 dB quieter) Snakebite XQ is approx   62% quieter (15 dB quieter)
25ft (7.5m) Snakebite XQ is approx   65% quieter (17 dB quieter) Snakebite XQ is approx   62% quieter (15 dB quieter)
50ft (15m) Snakebite XQ is approx   75% quieter (19 dB quieter) Snakebite XQ is approx   62% quieter (16 dB quieter)

5 ft (approx 1 metre)

5 foot distance reading

25 ft (approx 7.5 metres)

25 foot distance reading

50 ft (approx 15 metres)

50 foot distance reading

Head-to-Head Against The “Quiet” Competitor

Head-To-Head Against Competing Quiet Blast Nozzle

After launching the Snakebite XQ we received more than a few questions regarding a competing quiet nozzle. How is our design different? Is our nozzle quieter than theirs? What differentiates our “quiet nozzle” from the competition?

You can simply look at both nozzles to see our unique design differs from anything else on the market. And it’s our scientific design that produces our amazing results.

Design Difference

We decided to test it against the competing nozzle to determine which was quieter.  In this decibel test, we maintained identical set-up and pressure – just over 100psi – and measured the results with a volume meter.

Here is the result:

Although (you’ll notice by watching the video) there were small fluctuations in dB volume for each nozzle as the readings were taken, the median difference was great enough to distinguish a decisive verdict on which nozzle is quieter.

The following image represents the lowest measured dB reading for each nozzle.

Ninja-Snakebite dB readigns

Volume Comparison Chart

Volume Comparison Chart

The Strike & The Flex

SnakeBite Strike: Blast 54% Faster

Want To Blast 54% Faster?

Until now, when companies needed a high production nozzle to blast acres of steel – they relied on a #8 hyper nozzle.  This was the largest nozzle a man could handle for 4-6 hours on any given day.

Some contractors don’t even realize #10 nozzles are an option… and that’s because a #10 exerts far too much thrust for practical, daily blasting.   That is… Until now.

The same design technology that reduces both the noise and thrust on our SnakeBite XQ… also makes the Snakebite Strike – the world’s most effortless #10 blast nozzle.

Benefits of the Strike:

  • The biggest advantage is an average-sized blaster can easily handle the Strike for a full day’s work, gaining production increases up to 54%.
  • The special design reduces kick back thrust by 50%, making the #10 nozzle, feel like a #7.
  • With its larger orifice, it basically doubles the production of a #7 nozzle.
  • Sound is reduced up to 16db (75% quitter than a normal nozzle).

The only caveat is you need to have enough air. Your compressor needs to supply at least 750 cfm per Strike nozzle.

But 54%?  Really?

Well to start, here are some simple measurements comparing a single pass of a Snakebite #10 with various other nozzles, including a #8 Hyper.

Nozzle Size Single Pass Pattern Height Through Paint Single Pass Pattern Height Through Flash Rust
#6 Hyper 1.5″  / 3.8cm 2″ / 5.08cm
#7 Hyper 1.75″ / 4.45cm 2.25″ / 5.715cm
#8 Hyper 2″ / 5.08cm 2.5″ / 6.35cm
#10 Hyper 2.25″ / 5.715cm 3.0-3.25″ / 7.62-8.255cm
#10 Snakebite Strike 2.5″ / 6.35cm 3.25-3.5″ / 8.255-8.89cm

SnakeBite Flex:  All The Benefits, Half The Size

CEO Answers Questions About The SnakeBite XQ

During a recent visit to the United States, BlastOne CEO, Matthew Rowland, sat down to discuss various questions about the SnakeBite XQ and how it benefits the blasting industry.

What Makes The Nozzle Quiet?

Matthew, so not only are you the CEO but you’re an actual engineer, you understand the science of the nozzle, and I was hoping that you might be able to shed some light on the development and what causes this nozzle to be so much quieter than a typical nozzle?

That’s a great question. With BlastOne, we’ve invested heavily in looking at ways to improve the blasting environment for our workers and operators. So one of the common complaints we get from our customers is that blasting is dusty, it’s noisy, it’s dirty. What we’re looking for is technology that changes that environment for them – makes it safer, simpler, and easier… and hence more productive in the work that they have to do. So what we did is, we went back to first principles to really understand how a blast nozzle works, and how those processes within that nozzle generates the abrasive flow and also a by-product generating noise.

A little known fact is that less than 10% of the energy used in a blasting environment is actually beneficially used in blasting.

So that means that there’s more than 90% of the energy that’s used in the compressed air and the abrasive that is wasted.

And a lot of that wasted energy creates noise. So what we did was look at how do we develop a silenced nozzle.

We’re not the first company that’s tried to do this but what we have come up with is a revolutionary way to reduce the noise and maintain the productivity of blasting.

So we’re really excited by this technology development and the silencer is very effective in a wide range of operating conditions and we’re really hoping that our customers have a great experience using it.

Will This Replace Standard Nozzles?

So does BlastOne expect this will replace the standard blast nozzles out there?


This nozzle is great for applications where you need lower noise.

So in those environments where you’ve got nearby neighbors… you’ve got other trades working… that you need to reduce noise this is where it’s ideally suited.

If you’re just after productivity at the lowest cost this isn’t the nozzle for you. It is designed to be used in areas where you need to reduce noise.

Did We Copy The Design Of Other Quiet Nozzles?

There have been a few comments on social media comparing the SnakeBite to other quiet nozzles out there competing nozzles – and they’re basically asking us if we copied those designs.
And can you just clear up any confusion about that?

We’re not the first quiet nozzle… but we’re the world’s quietest blast nozzle.

But the reality is that our industry has been trying for decades to come up with a quieter way to blast, and there are other technologies and we really look forward to the whole industry improving the reduction of noise in blasting. We went back to first principles and we engaged a university – the Center of Hypersonics at the University of Queensland, and we redesigned the whole process of the blast nozzle and the silencer that we use so it’s a very unique design but delivers outstanding results but based on fundamental research.

So… there was no copying involved in that design.

How Does This Nozzle Have Lower Thrust?

Can you discuss the nozzles reduction in thrust?

When we developed SnakeBite our primary goal was to reduce the noise of blasting.

As we’re developing this technology we also identified a way to reduce the thrust of the blast nozzle while maintaining the abrasive energy. So allowing the same productivity but as a significantly lower noise level. We’re really excited that it’s got a lower thrust because what that does is it reduces the fatigue on the operator and allows them to work longer not only in their the day but also for their career.

So they’re not being injured and they’re not experiencing those high forces that really takes a toll on their body… so people are keen to stay longer in their careers of blasting.

Why Is This So Much More Expensive Than Regular Blast Nozzles?

And finally, the price is pretty steep compared to a standard abrasive blast nozzle can you shed some light onto the reasons why? I mean, maybe explain its value?

Yeah great question… when we developed this product we’re really focused on the feedback from our customers who are finding it more and more challenging to blast in environments
where noise was an issue.

So increased complaints from nearby trades… from community near the blast site… and that was costing our customers significant money. So they’re either having to reduce their hours… take people off site… so we see that this technology can deliver outstanding value for our customers. We had a customer recently who had a blast room and also five workers doing other fabrication nearby and for every hour that the blasting occurred those eight workers had to go off site because it was too noisy for them to continue to work.

With the introduction of SnakeBite those eight workers could continue working in the same area and be productive.

And we estimate that the customer saved over $30,000 per week by having that work continue during blasting. The other way to look at it is in terms of the cost of health.

What is the cost of hearing? So it might be $2k-10k dollars for a hearing aid but what’s the cost of a blaster or someone else working in that environment whose hearing is damaged that can’t be replaced? We think the cost of that is much greater.

And the other one is it’s just safer you know when people are blasting in difficult environments on a bridge or other situations rather than having to fight a hose with such thrust it’s much lower through half the thrust so they’re much safer than they’re less likely to be pushed off or put in a dangerous situation.

At BlastOne we are really passionate about the safety and health of our customers and we continue to invest in technologies that makes life not only more productive but safer and more enjoyable.

So… SnakeBite’s a new technology and we’re really excited with a number of new technologies that we’ll also be bringing to market that will further improve the health and safety of our customers.

Tiny Blaster Proves Anyone Can Handle This #10 Nozzle

Case Studies

SnakeBite Strike Increases Blasting Speed by 51%

Challenge:  Productivity Speed
Powder Coating Company
Location: New South Wales, AU

SnakeBite Flex Reduces Noise Pollution

Challenge:  Noise Pollution
JB Laser (Powder Coating Blast Booth)
Location: Boise, Idaho, USA

SnakeBite XQ Cuts Noise Pollution in Half

Challenge:  Noise
Hort Enterprises
Location: New South Wales, AU

SnakeBite XQ – Stops Dust & Noise Complaints

Challenge:  Noise Complaints / Restricted Work Hours
Lithko Restoration Technology
Location: Columbus, OH, USA

SnakeBite XQ Saves Unprecedented Asset Downtime

Challenge: Noise Compliance / Restricted Work Hours
Application: Tank Blasting

SnakeBite XQ Increases Productivity by 180%

Challenge: Noise Complaints / Productivity
Darwin, Australia
Application:  Marine Vessel Maintenance

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does the reduced thrust compromise productivity compared to standard nozzles?

    Productivity of the Flex is comparable with standard nozzles (same size, pressure, media) and the XQ is up to 25% more productive than standard nozzles of the same size.   The reduced nozzle kick-back thrust – up to 45% – can actually increase productivity by reducing operator fatigue and enabling a high rate of productivity to continue throughout the shift…. and the #10 Strike (due to the larger orifice size) can increase hand-held blasting productivity up to 54%.

  • Is 1.25`` hose with a 750cfm compressor sufficient when using the SnakeBite Strike?

    It depends on hose length. It is not recommended to use the Strike with a 1.25″ hose longer than 25 feet.
  • Do I need any special equipment to get the SnakeBite noise and thrust reduction?

    No, just screw the SnakeBite with the Silencer fitted into a contractor thread nozzle holder, set the pressure to 100psi and start blasting. Blasting noise will automatically be reduced by up to 16 dB and and you will immediately feel around 45% less nozzle thrust – there is nothing else you have to do.
  • What if my nozzle isn't achieving a reduction of 16 dB?

    Factors contributing to the optimal reduction in sound pollution include.

    • Nozzle pressure needs to be between 80-115 psi
    • Blasting with lean abrasive flow increases noise

    Adjusting these factors will have an effect on dB reduction.

  • How long will the nozzle last?

    Expected wear-life for the SnakeBite is over 800 hours. This is 4x the life of a standard tungsten carbide nozzle.

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