Home / Reduce abrasive consumption by 48% by switching to GMA Garnet

Reduce abrasive consumption by 48% by switching to GMA Garnet

ZaMac Surface Protection offers sandblasting services, protective coatings, floor surface preparation and on-site solutions. To improve blasting efficiency, BlastOne suggested GMA Garnet.

Together, ZaMac and BlastOne conducted several trials comparing GMA NewSteel Garnet and imported garnet. Factors included abrasive consumption rate, blasting speed and cost of blasting. A lightly rusted, road plate steel was used as the test surface to blast.


  • Achieve specified surface cleanliness and roughness standards

  • Generate considerable savings in production costs

  • Increase production capacity

  • Minimize dust levels on worksite


Comparing GMA NewSteel to Staurolite, we had the following results:

Abrasive Blast Area Blast Time Abrasive Consumption Blasting Speed
stpb2200 Abrasive Staurolite media blasting Staurolite .55 m2 96 s .375 t/hr 20.6 m2/hr
GMA SpeedBlast Garnet Abrasive Media for Sandblasting GMA NewSteel 1.26 m2 185 s .194 t/hr 24.6 m2/hr
(Equipment used: 6001b Clemco Pressure Release Blast Pot, 390 cfm Diesel Compressor, No. 6 Blast Nozzle at 105psi at the nozzle)
stpb2200 Abrasive Staurolite media blasting GMA SpeedBlast Garnet Abrasive Media for Sandblasting
Abrasive Staurolite GMA NewSteel
Blast Area .55 m2 1.26 m2
Blast Time 96 s 185 s
Abrasive Consumption .375 t/hr .194 t/hr
Blasting Speed

20.6 m2/hr

24.6 m2/hr

(Equipment used: 6001b Clemco Pressure Release Blast Pot, 390 cfm Diesel Compressor, No. 6 Blast Nozzle at 105psi at the nozzle)

Unfortunately, at the time, no sound readings were taken from further away, outside of the blast room. The difference in noise is even more obvious when you move further away.

Using the True Cost Abrasive Blasting Formula, we calculated the amount of abrasive used per square metre by each nozzle.

Abrasive Consumption Rate Abrasive Purchase Cost Delivered Abrasive Disposal Cost Labor and Equipment Cost Production Rate Blasting Costs
Staurolite .375 t/hr $650/t $100/t $150/hr 20.6 m2/hr $20.91 per m2
GMA NewSteel  .198 t/hr $900/t $100/t $150/hr 22.54 m2/hr $14.18 per m2
Abrasive Staurolite GMA NewSteel
Consumption Rate .375 t/hr .198 t/hr
Abrasive Purchase Cost  $650/t $900/t
Abrasive Disposal Cost $100/t $100/t
Labor and Equipment Cost



Production Rate

20.6 m2/hr

24.54 m2/hr

Blasting Costs

$20.91 per m2

$14.18 per m2

As one of the largest powder coating companies in central NSW, this client’s high standard powder coating finish ensures that fabricated steel products can withstand years of outdoor exposure and usage. They offer abrasive blasting, zinc powder priming and powder coating services.

With the launch of BlastOne’s new SnakeBite nozzle, a large powder coating company wanted to test its efficiency. Together, we hosted a trial comparing a #7 BlastOne Ultra Tuff nozzle to the new SnakeBite Strike #10 nozzle. The trials focused on production rate and noise level. Additionally, abrasive consumption rates were also calculated to showcase overall cost.


Our results show that GMA NewSteel Garnet is more productive than Staurolite Garnet. There is a 48.2% reduction in abrasive consumption and 19.4% increase in blasting speed. Overall costs were reduced by 32.18%.

Experience the BENEFITS

White bar graph with air pointing upwards


Superior cleaning rate against other abrasives.

Hand holding coin with dollar sign


Lower garnet usage, labor, clean up and disposal cost.

Two hands holding heart with plus sign


Meets industry, government and environmental safety standards.

Garnet vs. Slag Abrasive

GMA Garnet: Reduces Abrasive Consumption by 48%


Garnet Blasting Creates Productivity Boost for Twin Barge Project


SnakeBite XQ reduces blasting noise pollution in half


Petroleum Storage Tank


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