Spray Booth Polyester Exhaust Filters / Paint Arrestors
The exhaust filtration system is key to any spray booth, and is designed to protect the exhaust fan, other booth components, and the outside environment by capturing the paint overspray and contaminants. The replaceable exhaust filters are also known as Overspray Arrestors or Paint Arrestors. A variety of replacement paint booth filter types and configurations are available to meet virtually any application. Polyester filters are widely used in automotive and industrial paint booths, and are shown herein and many more options exist, so contact us if your specific requirement is not shown. Exhaust filter configuration options include the following:- Media type. Polyester is one of several different materials that are used (fiberglass and cardstock/paper are also examples). The polyester media can be supplied dry, or combined with a tackifier for enhanced collection of dry contaminants. It is available in thicknesses from ½" up to 2".
- Configuration. Flat filters (aka filter pads), which are mounted in a filter rack system onto simple wire filter grids are very common. Filter media is also available in rolls.
- Stages. Single-stage filtration is the most common exhaust filter setup. Multi-stage filtration can also be done. Pre-filters (often in roll form) are typically less expensive and can be used to extend the life of the primary filter. Post-filters (often HEPA rated) are also used when required.