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For 50 years BlastOne has been obsessed with helping our clients achieve Superior Performance.

While other companies focus on selling products, BlastOne owes its success to understanding which products, practices, and procedures deliver the greatest productivity and profitability to the project at hand.  Our mission is to make jobsites Faster, Safer, Cleaner – in service to both the industrial work crews as well as to the assets they’re protecting.

Our winning formula focuses on providing Superior Equipment, Superior Abrasives, and Superior Know-How to maximize safety and productivity on each and every jobsite.

The outcome of this focus resulted in developing the industry’s most systematized strategy for delivering Superior Performance and profitability.

We call this strategy PERFORMANCE 3… and our clients experience average productivity lifts of 30% along with 10% cost reductions when implementing our recommended tactics.

The Low Expectation of Small Improvements

The greatest misconception when it comes to productivity is Small improvements simply deliver Small gains.  And because small improvements still require time and money to implement, contractors generally deem them unworthy of investment and so neglect them.
This mindset is perhaps the single greatest obstacle to quick performance and profitability gains.
Example:  A typical blasting setup involves a system of interconnected equipment.  (Let’s start with 10 components) And if you could simply improve the efficiency of each component by 1%, the result would yield an overall efficiency improvement of (not 10%, but) nearly 11%.
BUT WHAT IF... you could also improve upon the blaster’s productivity through increased know-how and physical comfort?
And then also improve upon the efficiency of the abrasive used?
Let’s now posit there are 16 small improvements of 1% efficiency gains. This now yields an overall efficiency improvement of 20%.
NOTE:  16 improvements of 1% do NOT equal 16% gains.  Connecting linked opportunities do not produce a linear sum, but rather an exponential gain.  Each improvement works in concert with previous optimizations – similar to compounding interest.
Therefore 16 small 1% improvements deliver a 20% performance gain which equates to accomplishing in 4 days, that which just previously required 5 days.  That’s a pretty decent start.
16 Components yield 20% gains
Performance 3 Linear Graph

Performance 3 – Exponential Gains

And here comes the secret sauce:  The truth is our BlastOne technicians rarely find opportunities as low as 1%. We uncover high single and double digit opportunities on every jobsite. So much so, that when we carry out a Performance 3 Analysis we guarantee we’ll uncover 30% productivity gains alongside a 10% cost savings — OR the analysis is FREE.
Identifying multiple high-yield optimizations is where BlastOne excels.
BlastOne’s success is not owed to transactional sales – but rather partnerships that significantly benefit both the contractor and the asset owners.
16 components - greater gains equals exponential success
Performance 3 Exponential Graph

The Path To Superior Performance

The BlastOne Difference

While our competitors focus on selling products, BlastOne specializes in selling Superior Performance.
We call it Performance 3.

Performance 3 Defined

An unexpected level of success caused by implementing small improvements across a system, that ultimately add up to massive improvement in productivity and profit.
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Jobsite Performance Assessment

Bullet Point 1

How Optimized Is Your Jobsite?

Our 50 years experience visiting over 10,000 global jobsites has deemed the following 4 metrics as the leading indicators of blasting success.

  • Blasting Pressure
  • Blasting Speed
  • Abrasive Consumption
  • Actual Nozzle Time
Bullet Point #2

We’ll Benchmark Your Jobsite Performance

Our techs will travel to your jobsite and:

• Perform a detailed analysis of your current equipment & labor proficiency
• Optimize your current equipment
• Provide a detailed efficiency/comparison report for your company

Onsite Tech Image

We’ll Uncover

→ 30% Productivity Gains
→ 10% Cost Savings

Contact us to book your Discovery Assessment.

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