Superior know how


Performance 3 Master Class – Step 8

The abrasive you choose largely determines the following costs to your operation:

  1. Upfront cost – this is typically the only consideration made by most contractors
  2. Speed of cleaning the surface, based on size, hardness, and angularity
  3. The speed of your blaster, based on how clear or handicapped his field of vision is due to dust
  4. Containment costs, or limited production times caused by nuisance dust affecting neighboring tradesmen, work areas, or civil community.
  5. Clean-up and disposal costs, based on how much abrasive is used/needed to complete the job
  6. Safety and health concerns of the workers, based on silica or beryllium levels within the abrasive
  7. Recycling capabilities
  8. Integrity of the coating, based on the underlying substrate being compromised by media embedding itself (breaking off) into the steel

Now, without delving too deeply into each of the 8 cost considerations – let’s just tell you what we know.

First, although the upfront cost per pound is much higher than say, slag, GMA garnet is by the far the most superior abrasive we’ve encountered in nearly 50 years of business.

Here are our top 5 Reasons

FASTER JOB COMPLETION – GMA garnet removes tough coatings more than twice as fast as medium slag
LOWER COST TO USE – Being twice as fast as medium slag means fewer hours of blasting labor.
LOW DUST – GMA garnet provides dramatic dust reduction, improving visibility up to 10x. This improves safety and productivity.
BETTER PROJECT RESULTS – GMA gives you a cleaner surface with no surface embedment, which provides better coating adhesion.
LOWER ABRASIVE CONSUMPTION – The effectiveness of GMA garnet means an optimized blasting set-up will use about half as much as it would medium slag. This reduced quantity means you purchase less, have less clean-up labor time, and half your disposal costs.

Now, just like the TeraValve it does have a higher front-end price. But the value it brings to your bottom line is not front-end cost – but rather higher efficiency and lower back-end costs.

Most contractors have a hard time understanding how a more expensive abrasive actually saves them money. But those who try it and see the results, become die-hard advocates and loyal customers.

Let’s end this recommendation with a few testimonials on just how effective GMA Garnet is.

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