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Foundries and Castings

For over 50 years, BlastOne has helped foundry and casting facilities implement the fastest, safest and cleanest solutions.

Industrial Foundries & Castings Blast & Paint Facilities

Surface cleanliness is critical for foundries. Good surface preparation provides a great head start for long coating life.

With BlastOne’s expert knowledge and tailored solutions, we can dramatically help improve your production rates – from automation, to upgrading to current generation equipment, to employee training – all can help to increase productivity. We will guarantee your facility is equipped with the equipment package that provides the highest quality result at the lowest cost.

Industry Challenges

Foundries often struggle with slow production times associated with their blasting and painting output. Maintenance costs, outdated equipment and insufficiently sized blast machinery impact your bottom line and project timelines. The higher the foundry output, the greater the impact of these problems.

BlastOne has automation solutions for your business that will solve these issues. We can install industry leading facilities on your site that are highly productive, produce consistent results, and have low operational costs to help mitigate all these concerns.

A few common issues we’ve found from working with the industry:

  • Diverse casting molds

    The more complicated the casting mold, the harder it is to keep it clean. Abrasive can build up in the nooks and crannies, creating uneven surface finishes. This can lead to increased abrasive consumption and extended production times.
  • Large and complex pieces do not fit in wheel blast system

    When castings are more complex, a higher level of customization is required to ensure that effective cleaning takes place.
  • Workflow disruptions and labor shortages

    With a return to on-shore manufacturing, the foundry and casting industry continues to look for highly skilled workers. Labor shortages impact profits and can lead to workflow disruptions throughout many industries.
  • Operator safety concerns

    Dust, noise, vibration, vapors, toxic fumes, and explosions are all hazards that can seriously threaten the health of foundry workers. 

Wheel Blasting Equipment

Airless shot blasting equipment also known as peening or wheel blasting creates a profile finish.

From off-the-shelf machines to custom applications for your airless wheel blasting process, BlastOne can recommend which applications are most suitable for your wheel blast needs. We can supply monorail, roller conveyor, spinner, hanger, table, tumblast and full blast and paint line systems.

When correctly setup, an airless wheel blaster will provide rapid, low cost surface preparation.

BlastOne carries all the parts, accessories, and media needed to keep your wheel blasting and shot peening equipment running. We also provide rental equipment, consulting, and custom engineering.

Key Components

Foundries and Castings


Foundries and Castings


Foundries and Castings


Foundries and Castings

Recycling System

Foundries and Castings


Garnet Blasting Creates Productivity Boost for Twin Barge Project






Training & Support

25 Important Considerations when Building a Blast Facility

If you are purchasing a turnkey blast room for building it yourself, there are 25 subjects you need to be well versed in. BlastOne has compiled a detailed report containing an in-depth guide on all the critical components of a blast room: design considerations, abrasive education, and production techniques.

Blastman Robotics LTD: The Reliable Blast Cleaning Solution

Typical industrial sandblasting automated & robotic blasting equipment require fixed, purpose-built infrastructure to operate. BlastOne specializes in designing, building, and commissioning robotic sandblasting facilities to provide custom solutions for our customer’s corrosion control needs.

Knowledge & Learning

Videos from the Experts

How to | Primed Insights | Safety Tips

Wheel Blasting Systems

Watch Video

Pros and Cons of Wheel Machine or Blasting Robots

Watch Video

5 Critical Components of a Blast Roomy

Watch Video

Contact BlastOne

We love to talk to customers and help them make the best decisions when purchasing equipment.
You can reach us via our Live Chat, Email, Phone, and Online Form.

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