Home / Coating Adhesion Test Kits Buying Guide

Coating Adhesion Instruments Buying Guide

At BlastOne, we understand the critical role coating adhesion plays in achieving optimal results for your projects. Whether you’re working with metal, concrete, wood, or other substrates, a strong bond between the coating and the surface is essential for long-lasting performance and protection. Our comprehensive selection of coating adhesion testing tools empowers you to ensure the integrity of your coating systems and achieve superior quality finishes.

Includes Best Scenarios Benefits Disadvantages
  • Fast accurate and simple
  • Continual and Frequent Testing
  • Laboratory Testing, for highest accuracy
  • Metal, wood, concrete and other substrates
  • Self-aligning aluminum dolly ensures accurate measurement on uneven surfaces.
  • Automatic hydraulic actuation provides a consistent increase of pressure for more accurate results.
  • Environmentally sealed enclosure—weatherproof, dust-proof and shockproof—meets or exceeds IP65
  • Digital readout for accuracy
  • 2 handed use on vertical and overhead surfaces
  • Highest capital investment
  • Adhesion tester with digital display
  • 20x ¾’ (20 mm) aluminum test dollies
  • Abrasive pad and cutting tool Certificate of calibration traceable to NIST
  • Two year warranty, carrying case and more
  • Frequent Testing
  • High Accuracy
  • Metal, wood, concrete and other substrates
  • Manual hydraulic pump designed to apply smooth and continuous pressure with a single stroke
  • Self-aligning aluminum dolly ensures accurate measurement on uneven surfaces.
  • Environmentally sealed enclosure—weatherproof, dust-proof and shockproof—meets or exceeds IP65
  • Digital readout for accuracy
  • Requires 3-handed use on vertical and overhead surfaces
  • Unit body
  • Base support ring
  • 20 dollies
  • Pack of Araldite adhesive
  • Magnetic dolly clamp
  • Dolly cutter
  • Carry case
  • Occasional Spot Testing
  • Steel, aluminum, concrete
  • Highly portable for occasional spot testing
  • Low cost
  • Analogue reading less accurate than digital.
  • Is a potential hazard at the point of coating failure on vertical and overhead surface tests due to entire unit falling away from surface
  • Cross hatch tool
  • 4-in-1 blade
  • Magnifier – 3x (ISO) or 10x (ASTM)
  • Adhesive Tape – ISO or ASTM
  • Brush
  • Scissors
  • 3/32″ hex key
  • ISO/ASTM classification reference chart
  • Instruction manual
  • Carry Case
  • Two year warranty
  • Ideal for thick coatings
  • Metal, wood, concrete and other substrates
  • Used when complete contact might be an issue for pull-off dollies
  • Allows for testing in limited space areas
  • Ergonomic tool handle with non-slip grip provides comfortable all-day use
  • Pivoting cutting head ensures proper positioning and equal pressure across the cutting surface
  • Easy to replace, high-grade hardened steel blade with 4 cutting edges for longer testing
  • Not ideal for very uneven surfaces

DeFelsko® PosiTest AT-A Hydraulic Adhesion Tester Kit DeFelsko PosiTest AT-M Hydraulic Adhesion Tester Kit STANDARD DOLLEY ADHESION  



  • Adhesion tester with digital display
  • 20x ¾’ (20 mm) aluminum test dollies
  • Abrasive pad and cutting tool Certificate of calibration traceable to NIST
  • Two year warranty, carrying case and
  • Adhesion tester with digital display
  • 20x ¾’ (20 mm) aluminum test dollies
  • Abrasive pad and cutting tool Certificate of calibration traceable to NIST
  • Two year warranty, carrying case and more
  • Unit body
  • Base support ring
  • 20 dollies
  • Pack of Araldite adhesive
  • Magnetic dolly clamp
  • Dolly cutter
  • Carry case
  • Cross hatch tool
  • 4-in-1 blade
  • Magnifier – 3x (ISO) or 10x (ASTM)
  • Adhesive Tape – ISO or ASTM
  • Brush
  • Scissors
  • 3/32″ hex key
  • ISO/ASTM classification reference chart
  • Instruction manual
  • Carry Case
  • Two year warranty
Best Scenarios
  • Continual and frequent testing
  • Laboratory testing – for highest accuracy
  • Metal, wood, concrete and other substrates
  • Frequent testing
  • High accuracy
  • Metal, wood, concrete and other substrates
  • Occasional spot testing
  • Steel, aluminum, concrete
  • Ideal for thick coatings
  • Metal, wood, concrete and other substrates
  • Self-aligning aluminum dolly ensures accurate measurement on uneven surfaces.
  • Automatic hydraulic actuation provides a consistent increase of pressure for more accurate results.
  • Environmentally sealed enclosure—weatherproof, dust-proof and shockproof—meets or exceeds IP65
  • Digital readout for accuracy
  • 2 handed use on vertical and overhead surfaces
  • Manual hydraulic pump designed to apply smooth and continuous pressure with a single stroke
  • Self-aligning aluminum dolly ensures accurate measurement on uneven surfaces.
  • Environmentally sealed enclosure—weatherproof, dust-proof and shockproof—meets or exceeds IP65
  • Digital readout for accuracy
  • Highly portable for occasional spot testing
  • Low cost
  • Used when complete contact might be an issue for pull-off dollies
  • Allows for testing in limited space areas
  • Ergonomic tool handle with non-slip grip provides comfortable all-day use
  • Pivoting cutting head ensures proper positioning and equal pressure across the cutting surface
  • Easy to replace, high-grade hardened steel blade with 4 cutting edges for longer testing
  • Highest capital investment
  • Requires 3-handed use on vertical and overhead surfaces
  • Analogue reading less accurate than digital.
  • Is a potential hazard at the point of coating failure on vertical and overhead surface tests due to entire unit falling away from surface
  • Not ideal for very uneven surfaces


Best Scenario
20mm Kit
  • Ideal for measuring higher bond strength coatings on metals
  • Can be used with optional 10 and 14 mm dollies
50mm Kit
  • Ideal for measuring lower bond strength coatings on wood, concrete, and plastic
 50x50mm Tile Kit
  • Ideal for measuring the tensile strength of ceramic tile cementitious, dispersion, and reaction resin adhesives
  • Conforms to BS EN 12004-2
50 mm C1583 Kit
  • Ideal for measuring the tensile strength of concrete surfaces, concrete repairs, and overlay materials
  • Conforms to ASTM C1583 and BS EN 1542


20mm Kit 50mm Kit 50x50mm Tile Kit 50 mm C1583 Kit
Best Scenario
  • Ideal for measuring higher bond strength coatings on metals
  • Can be used with optional 10 and 14 mm dollies
  • Ideal for measuring lower bond strength coatings on wood, concrete, and plastic
  • Ideal for measuring the tensile strength of ceramic tile cementitious, dispersion, and reaction resin adhesives
  • Conforms to BS EN 12004-2
  • Ideal for measuring the tensile strength of concrete surfaces, concrete repairs, and overlay materials
  • Conforms to ASTM C1583 and BS EN 1542

Why use pull off adhesion testers?

Adhesion testing belongs to the family of coating inspection tests known as destructive testing. These involve damaging a cured coating to provide a definitive answer to a query on a coating’s performance. In this instance the required test result is how well a cured coating has bonded to a substrate. An adhesion tester works by applying pulling force to a dolly bonded to a cured coating surface. The pressure at the point of failure is desired test result. Coating inspection standards will stipulate a pulling force that a coating will have to withstand to achieve approval.

While it might sound counterintuitive, the goal of adhesion testing is produce a coating failure. Adhesion testing identifies the strength of the bond between a coating and the underlying surface. This non-destructive method provides valuable insights into two key aspects:

  • Surface Preparation: Adhesion testing reveals how well the surface was prepared for coating application.
  • Coating Bond Strength: The test measures the effectiveness of the coating’s bond with the surface and any additional coating layers.

By quantifying these factors, adhesion testing becomes a crucial tool for guaranteeing that your coating system meets the specific demands of the project and will deliver long-lasting performance.

Common issues with adhesion testers

  • One of the most common issues with adhesion testing is fracture failure i.e. the the coating failing in an incorrect manner. This can happen several ways – the coating delaminates within itself, the bond between the dolly and the coating fails or the substrate fails rather than the bond between the coating and the substrate.
  • Digital readouts will always be more accurate to read than dials or indicators. A digital readout will always provide an unequivocal result, whereas as a dial or indicator is subject to the angle of view, lighting inspectors eyesight, etc.
  • Two handed or three handed use. Some test machines can be used with two hands on horizontal, vertical and over head surfaces. Others will require 3 hands when used on anything but a horizontal surface. Some test equipment that is completely self contained rather than separate pulling head and power packs can be a falling object hazard when the coating fails when used on vertical and overhead surfaces.

Important considerations when choosing the right adhesion test kit

The main consideration when choosing an adhesion testing system is the application. If you are consistently doing pull-off tests, you should invest in an automated unit that will give you the highest level of accuracy.

The manual pump system is great for regular testing, as the hydraulic pump will give you a consistent pull which is important when doing adhesion tests. The Manual Elcometer style pull off tester uses screws, and does not record the reading… We do not recommend this unit unless you are only doing occasional testing.

Basic steps to perform a pull-off adhesion test

Step 1

Dolly and coating preparation — clean and abrade the dolly and the coating

Step 2

Glue and dolly application — prepare the glue, apply it to the dolly, and place the dolly on the coated surface. Allow the glue to cure properly.

Step 3

Test area isolation — isolate the test area of the coating from the area surrounding the dolly by cutting or drilling (optional).

Step 4

Pull-off test — perform the test

Step 5

Analysis of the test results — examine and evaluate the dolly and coating to determine the nature of the coating fracture

Video Tutorial

Watch the full pull-off adhesion test procedure: How to Measure Adhesion Using the PosiTest AT Adhesion Tester.

How do you verify the accuracy of pull-off adhesion testers?

The PosiTest AT Verifier is ideal for checking the accuracy and operation of adhesion testers and is an important component in fulfilling both ISO and in-house quality control requirements. The PosiTest AT Verifier and included documents allow the user to certify the accuracy of PosiTest Adhesion Testers.

Types of Adhesion

Nature of Fracture

Following a pull-off adhesion test, examining the dolly and the coated surface goes beyond just recording the pull-off force. In accordance with standards like ASTM D4541 and ISO 4624, many national and international regulations require documenting the nature of the fracture as well.

Cohesive Fracture

Fracture occurs within a coating layer (same coating on dolly face and coated surface)

Adhesive Fracture

Fracture occurs at the interface between layers (coating on dolly face differs from surface)

Glue Failure

Visible separation of the glue from itself, the coating, or dolly (no coating visible on the dolly face)

Coating Adhesion Test Methods 

Strong Bonds, Long-Lasting Performance: Ensuring Coating Adhesion

A coating’s success hinges on its ability to form a strong bond with the underlying surface, known as substrate adhesion. To guarantee optimal performance and longevity, various established methods assess the effectiveness of this bond. These techniques often involve specialized mechanical adhesion testers or a knife.

Pull Off Adhesion Test

The Tensile Pull-Off Adhesion Test offers a precise measurement of a coating’s bond strength. In this method, a dolly (loading fixture) is glued to the coating, and a portable tester like the PosiTest AT progressively increases pulling force until the dolly detaches.

The force required, measured in MPa or psi, reveals the coating’s tensile pull-off strength, a key indicator of how well it adheres to the underlying surface.

Push Off Adhesion Test

Similar to the Pull-Off Test, the Push-Off Adhesion Test measures the force needed to detach a dolly from the surface using a pin and manual or hydraulic pressure. This test pushes the dolly upwards instead of pulling it down. Each dolly contains a center hole through which a pin is pushed using manual or hydraulic pressure.

The force required for detachment, measured in MPa or psi, indicates the coating’s bond strength.

Knife Adhesion Test

The Knife Adhesion test establishes whether the adhesion level of a coating to a substrate or a coating to another coating (in a multi-coat system) is adequate.

Using a utility knife or metal straight edge, an X is cut into the coating system. The knife is then used to attempt to lift the coating from the substrate or from another coating layer below.

Review ASTM D6677 to learn more.

Tape Adhesion Test

ASTM D3359 outlines two tape test methods for evaluating coating adhesion. Originally designed for steel substrates, these methods have been adapted for use on other hard surfaces and even softer materials like wood and plaster.

  • Method A (X-cut) for coating systems over 5 mils (125 µm)

    The X-cut tape test is primarily intended for use at job sites. Using a sharp razor blade, scalpel, knife, or other cutting device — an X-cut is made through the coating down to the substrate. A steel or other hard metal straightedge is used to ensure straight cuts. Pressure-sensitive tape is placed on the center of the intersection of the cuts and then removed rapidly. The X-cut area is then inspected for removal of coating from the substrate or underlying coating and rated.
  • Method B (Cross-cut) for coating systems less than 5 mils (125 µm)

    A cross hatch test (cross cut) is fast and simple to perform with an inexpensive cross-hatch cutter test kit. A lattice pattern is cut into the finish film down to the substrate, using a cross-hatch cutter. The test area is then brushed diagonally five times in each direction to remove any loose film finish particles.

    A special tape for testing adhesion is then firmly applied over the cross-hatch test area and removed quickly by pulling the tape back off of the test area to reveal the amount of coating lifted off by the test tape. The cross-hatched test area is then visually compared to the ASTM D3359 standard.

Scrape Adhesion Test

The scrape test uses a weighted beam with a rounded stylus. Panels are drawn under the stylus. The beam is loaded with increasing weight until the cured film scrapes off. Adhesion is measured in kilograms of force required for removal, indicating the film’s bond strength to the substrate. This test is adaptable for various coatings and substrates.

Depending on coating and substrate, refer to ASTM D2197, D2248, D2454, and D5178 standard test methods.


Learn how to maximize your protective coating and extend the lifetime of your assets

Adhesion Test Standards

ASTM Adhesion Testing Standards

  • ASTM C1583 Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength of Concrete Surfaces and the Bond Strength or Tensile Strength of Concrete Repair and Overlay Materials by Direct Tension (Pull-off Method)

    This test method determines the tensile strength of concrete near to the prepared surface, which can be used as an indicator of the adequacy of surface preparation before applying a repair or an overlay material.

    Refer to ASTM C1583 for a complete description of the test standard.

  • ASTM D3359 Standard Test Method for Rating Adhesion by Tape Test

    This standard covers procedures for assessing the adhesion of relatively ductile coating films to metallic substrates by applying and removing pressure-sensitive tape over the cuts made to the film.

    Refer to ASTM D3359 for a complete description of the test standard.

  • ASTM D7234 Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Adhesion Strength of Coatings on Concrete Using Portable Pull-Off Adhesion Testers

    This test method details procedures for evaluating the pull-off adhesion strength of coatings applied to concrete using portable pull-off adhesion testers.

    Refer to ASTM D7234 for a complete description of the test standard.

  • ASTM D4541 Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers

    This test method details procedures for evaluating the pull-off adhesion strength of coatings applied to metal substrates using portable pull-off adhesion testers.

    Refer to ASTM D4541 for a complete description of the test standard.

  • ASTM D6677 Standard Test Methods for Evaluating Adhesion by Knife (Knife Test)

    The knife test is a test procedure for assessing the adhesion of paint and coatings to a substrate or another coating by use of a knife.

    Refer to ASTM D6677 for a complete description of the test standard.

  • ASTM D2197 Standard Test Method for Adhesion of Organic Coatings by Scrape Test

    A test where a series of weights are added to a hardened stylus in 0.5 kg increments as the test sample is moved (scraped) against the stationary stylus.

    Refer to ASTM D2197 for a complete description of the test standard.

ISO Adhesion Testing Standards

  • ISO 4624 Paints and Varnishes – Pull-Off Test for Adhesion

    An International Standard which describes methods for determining the adhesion of paint and other coatings to a substrate by use of a pull-off adhesion test.

    Refer to ISO 4624 for a complete description of the test standard.

Euorpean Standards

  • BS EN 12004-2. Test Methods for Ceramic Tile Adhesives

    This European Standard specifies the methods for determining characteristics for adhesives used in internal and external installation of ceramic tiles. This standard calls for a 50mm x 50mm square dolly.

    Refer to BS ES 12004 for a complete description of the test standard.

  • BS EN 1542:1999 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures

    This European standard specifies a method for measuring the bond strength of concrete surfaces, concrete repairs, and overlay materials including grouts and mortars used in the repair of concrete.

    Refer to BS EN 1542 for a complete description of the test standard.

Other Adhestion Test Methods

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    There are many other adhesion tests. Some of these involve the use of tensile test machines with paint applied to the substrate with a textile strip embedded in the paint (the tensile machine pulls substrate and cloth) or have the paint applied between two sheets of the substrate (tensile machine pulls on both substrate pieces).

    ASTM D2370 describes one such test of elongation, tensile strength, and stiffness of organic films when tested as free films.

    Organic coating adhesion to plastic substrates by mounting an aluminum stud and removing it with a tensile tester is covered in ASTM D5179.

    ASTM D4145 describes a bending test for determining flexibility and adhesion of coatings on prepainted metallic substrates. These organic coatings are subjected to stresses when fabricated into products by roll forming, brake bending, or other deformation processes.

    ASTM D4149 describes the formability and adhesion testing of factory applied zinc-rich primer/chromate complex coatings on steel. In this test, a coated specimen is biaxially stretched a given distance in an appropriate machine, adhesive tape is applied to the deformed area (dome) and then pulled off, and the amount of coating removed is compared with a photographic standard to determine the coating adhesion rating.

    Adhesion is also a measurable result of some hardness tests made by pencil hardness, gravelometer, impact (falling dart, etc.), or mandrel bend. Coating chip-off should be recorded during these tests.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What options are available for dollies?

    The Most Common Dolly for pull off adhesion testing is 20mm. Other sizes available include; 10, 14, 29 and 50mm general purpose dollies. The smaller the dolly, the high the pull-off force (same amount of applied pressure over a smaller area increases pressure on the coating and substrate). A 50mm dolly designed for achieving optimum results on concrete. A 50mm x 50mm square tile dolly for testing tile adhesive strength.

  • What is the lowest strength that an adhesion tester can measure?

    When utilized with a 50mm diameter dolly, naan adhesion tester is in a priming state until reaching a priming pressure of 16 psi. It is only after the priming pressure is reached that the instrument begins calculating and displaying the pull rate.

  • Can adhesion testing be done on flexible or brittle substrates?

    Adhesion testing is designed for use with rigid, structural substrates. A flexible substrate can adversely impact test accuracy and repeatability. Using an adhesion tester for measuring the adhesion of coatings applied to a brittle substrate typically results in the destruction of the substrate material, making it challenging to quantify the coating-substrate bond strength.

  • Is the PosiTest AT calibrated at the factory?

    The PosiTest AT arrives fully calibrated and ready to measure. A Long-Form Certificate of Calibration traceable to NIST or PTB is included, which documents actual readings taken by your instrument at our calibration laboratory on standards traceable to a national metrology institute. Beware of ‘Certificates’ or ‘Certificates of Conformance’ offered by competitors. These typically do not include actual instrument readings, and are often insufficient to meet common quality requirements.

  • Is the PosiTest AT portable, and suitable for use in the field?

    Absolutely. With an environmentally-sealed, metal enclosure, heavy-duty hydraulic pump and a high grade industrial pressure sensor, both the Manual and Automatic PosiTest AT are built to last. Weatherproof, dustproof and shockproof, they can be used indoors, outdoors and in all types of weather (meets or exceeds IP 65).

    For added utility and convenience, PosiTest AT-A Automatic models also include a handy shoulder strap and rubberized grips.

  • Does the PosiTest AT include steel loading fixtures (dollies)?

    The PosiTest AT 20 mm and 50 mm (ATM20 and ATM50) kits are supplied with self-aligning dollies that are precision-manufactured from a strong and lightweight aluminum alloy (6061-T6) as a lower-cost alternative to steel loading fixtures.

    The PosiTest AT 50 x 50 mm and PosiTest AT 50 mm C1583 (ATM50T and ATM50C) kits are supplied with self-aligning steel dollies that are precision-manufactured to comply with relevant standards.

    DeFelsko steel and aluminum dollies are a single-use/consumable items and ideal for keeping a permanent visual record of testing.

  • Do you have a recommended adhesive for my particular application?

    The ResinLab EP11HT epoxy adhesive supplied with the PosiTest AT is simple to use and suitable for testing a wide range of coating types.  In some instances, specialized coatings will require a more specialized adhesive.
  • Is the PosiTest AT-A more accurate than the PosiTest AT-M?

    The certified accuracy of both PosiTest AT models is +/- 1%. However, the fully automatic design of the PosiTest AT-A provides improved measurement consistency by eliminating the potential for operator influence from the test process.
  • What is the difference between the 20mm and the 50mm loading fixtures?

    The 50 mm dolly is commonly recommended for use with concrete, wood and composite substrates, and measures coatings with expected adhesion values between 50 psi and 560 psi (50 – 500 psi for AT-M models). The 20 mm dolly is recommended for testing coatings applied to metals or with expected adhesion values greater than 500 psi.
  • Can I use the PosiTest AT-A on curved surfaces? How to test adhesion on curved surfaces?

    Yes. Feedback from our customers is that the PosiTest AT gages are suitable for testing most internal or external pipe applications greater than 200 mm in diameter.  In such cases, the maximum glue gap between the surface of the 20 mm dolly and the coating is 0.5 mm. For smaller pipe diameters, depending on the expected pull-off strength of the coating, it may be possible to use a 10 mm or 14 mm dolly. External diameters can be decreased to as low as 50 mm and 100 mm, for the 10 mm and 14 mm dollies, respectively.

    DeFelsko does not provide or support the use of curved dollies for adhesion testing. In addition to affecting the surface area used in calculating pull-off strengths and the direction of the force lines (creating unwanted shear forces), most adhesion testing standards specifically call for the use of flat dollies.

  • How many measurements can I take with the PosiTest AT-A on a single battery charge?

    The rechargeable battery pack (user replaceable) in the PosiTest AT-A can perform over 200 tests on a single charge. Use the included AC adaptor to continue testing as the battery recharges.
  • What is the lowest adhesion strength that the PosiTest AT-A can measure?

    When utilized with a 50mm diameter dolly, the PosiTest AT is in a priming state until reaching a priming pressure of 16 psi. It is only after the priming pressure is reached that the instrument begins calculating and displaying the pull rate.

    While it is possible to obtain readings below this priming pressure with the AT-M model, the AT-A automatic does not allow the operator to build priming pressure very slowly and is therefore not suitable for use below the priming pressure.

    Note that all reported adhesion values (including those obtained below the priming pressure) are subject to the PosiTest AT gage’s full-scale accuracy of ± 1% (± 30 psi, AT-M; ± 35 psi, AT-A).

  • Is there a faster curing adhesive than the epoxy supplied with the PosiTest AT?

    The versatile epoxy adhesive supplied with the PosiTest AT reaches full cure within 24 – 48 hours. Operators who require faster cure times should evaluate other adhesives for their compatibility with both the coating being tested and our aluminum test dolly. Cyanoacrylate (‘super glue’) type adhesives are often sufficient for lower pull-off strengths.
  • Can I use the PosiTest AT on flexible or brittle substrates?

    The PosiTest AT is designed for use with rigid, structural substrates. A flexible substrate can adversely impact test accuracy and repeatability. Furthermore, use of the PosiTest AT for measuring the adhesion of coatings applied to a brittle substrate typically results in the destruction of the substrate material, making it challenging to quantify the coating-substrate bond strength.

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