Home / Blasted Steel Surface Profile Gauge Buying Guide

Industrial Sandblasting Surface Profile Gauge Buying Guide

BlastOne carries the top line surface profile gauges from top brands like DeFelsko and Testex. Whether you are seeking to measure blasted steel, concrete or textured coatings, 2D or 3D, electronically or manually – we have the gauge for you. With a price to fit every budget.


Name Description Best Scenarios Benefits Disadvantages Standards
DeFelsko® PosiTector SPG Surface Profile Gauge Probe DEFELSKO® POSITECTOR SPG SURFACE PROFILE GAUGE PROBE Integral Digital Depth Micrometer for Blasted Steel
  • Blasted steel
  • On-site use.
  • When large numbers of readings are required in a short time.
  • Integral probe for one-handed use.
  • 600 tip angle
  • 300 tip angle (available)
  • Solvent, acid, oil,
    water, and dust
    resistant (weatherproof)
  • Can achieve up
    to 50 readings/
    minute, making
    it perfect
    to quickly and
    measure big
  • Durability of probe
  • Is a spot measurement rather than an area measurement
  • ASTM D4417
  • BASTM D8271
    (SPG TS only)
  • AS 3894.5-C (with
    optional 30° tip)
  • US Navy NSI
  • Navy NAVSEA
  • US Navy NAVSEA
    PPI 63101-000
  • SSPC PA 17
  • SANS 5772
  • and more
DeFelsko® PosiTector® SPGS Probe - Cabled DEFELSKO® POSITECTOR® SPGS PROBE – CABLED Cabled Digital Depth Micrometer for Blasted Steel
  • On-site use.
  • When large numbers of readings are required in a short time.
  • Cabled probe for use in extended reach measuring.
  • Cable extends the reach of the probe from the gauge body. Ideal where the inspector has to reach to get a reading.
  • Time required to place and burnish test strip.
  • ASTM D4417
  • ISO 8503-5
  • NACE RP287
  • SSPC-PA 17
  • SSPC-SP5, SP6,
    SP10, SP11-87T
  • and more
PosiTector RTR H Probe Only tape reader POSITECTOR REPLICA TAPE READER (RTR–PROBE ONLY) Replica Tape Reader for Blasted Steel and Textured Coatings
  • For use where an Inspector has a preference for replica tape, rather than a depth gauge or drag stylus.
  • Provides more accurate peak-to-valley height measurement
  • Used test Testex tapes can be retained on file with other quality inspection records for reference
  • Time required to place and burnish test strip.
  • ASTM D4417
  • ISO 8503-5
  • NACE RP287
  • SSPC-PA 17
  • SSPC-SP5, SP6,
    SP10, SP11-87T
  • and more
DEFELSKO® 3D REPLICA TAPE READER DEFELSKO® 3D REPLICA TAPE READER Replica Tape Reader for 2D/3D Surface Profile Parameters
  • Works with Flat,
    curved, or irregular
  • For use where either standards or facility management call for reporting in 2D or 3D format.
  • For use where an Inspector has a preference for replica tape, rather than a depth gauge or drag stylus.
  • Displays 2D &
    3D parameters
    of replica tape
    within seconds of
  • Time required to place and burnish test strip.
  • ASME B46
  • ASTM D4417
  • ISO 8503-5
  • NACE SP287
  • SSPC-PA 17,
    SSPC-SP5, SP6,
    SP10, SP11-87T
  • and more
DeFelsko® PosiTector SPGTS Surface Profile Gauge Probe DEFELSKO® POSITECTOR SPGTS SURFACE PROFILE GAUGE PROBE Integral Digital Depth Micrometer for Concrete
  • Ideal measurement
    tool for surface
    profile of concrete
    created by blasting,
    scarifying, grinding,
  • Range: 0 – 250mils
  • 600 tip angle
  • Ability to measure up to 250 mils/ 6 mm. Necessary for measuring profile on concrete. Very limited alternative.
  • Not a accurate on the lower end of range of measurement capabilities
  • ASTM D8271
Testex Tape Measurement Dial Thickness Gauge TESTEX TAPE MEASUREMENT DIAL THICKNESS GAUGE Testex Analog Spring Micrometer, mil/thou
  • Can measure
    from 0.8 to 6.4
  • Legacy replica tape system
  • For use where an Inspector has a preference for replica tape, rather than a depth gauge or drag stylus.
  • The original replica tape system. In use internationally for decades. Remains a reliable source of profile data.
  • Increased possibility of human error when reading a dial gauge rather than LED screen.
  • Time required to place and burnish test strip.
  • ISO8503-5,
  • AS3894-5
  • AS1627-4

  DeFelsko® PosiTector SPG Surface Profile Gauge Probe DeFelsko® PosiTector® SPGS Probe - Cabled PosiTector RTR H Probe Only DEFELSKO 3D REPLICA TAPE READER DeFelsko® PosiTector SPGTS Surface Profile Gauge Probe Testex Tape Measurement Dial Thickness Gauge
Description Integral Digital Depth
Micrometer for Blasted
Cabled Digital Depth
Micrometer for Blasted
Replica Tape Reader
for Blasted Steel and
Textured Coatings
Replica Tape Reader for
2D/3D Surface Profile
Integral Digital Depth Micrometer for Concrete Testex Analog
Spring Micrometer,
Best Scenarios
  • Blasted steel
  • On-site use.
  • When large numbers of readings are required in a short time.
  • Integral probe for one-handed use.
  • On-site use.
  • When large numbers of readings are required in a short time.
  • Cabled probe for use in extended reach measuring.
  • For use where an Inspector has a preference for replica tape, rather than a depth gauge or drag stylus.
  • Works with Flat,
    curved, or irregular
  • For use where either standards or facility management call for reporting in 2D or 3D format.
  • For use where an Inspector has a preference for replica tape, rather than a depth gauge or drag stylus.
  • Ideal measurement
    tool for surface
    profile of concrete
    created by blasting,
    scarifying, grinding,
  • Range: -0 – 250mils
  • Can measure
    from 0.8 to 6.4
  • Legacy replica tape system
  • For use where an Inspector has a preference for replica tape, rather than a depth gauge or drag stylus.
  • 600 tip angle
  • 300 tip angle (available)
  • Solvent, acid, oil,
    water, and dust
    resistant (weatherproof)
  • Can achieve up
    to 50 readings/
    minute, making
    it perfect
    to quickly and
    measure big
  • Durability of probe
  • Cable extends the reach of the probe from the gauge body. Ideal where the inspector has to reach to get a reading.
  • Provides more accurate peak-to-valley height measurement
    * Used test Testex tapes can be retained on file with other quality inspection records for reference
  • Displays 2D &
    3D parameters
    of replica tape
    within seconds of
  • 600 tip angle
  • Ability to measure up to 250 mils/ 6 mm. Necessary for measuring profile on concrete. Very limited alternative.
  • The original replica tape system. In use internationally for decades. Remains a reliable source of profile data.
  • Is a spot measurement rather than an area measurement
  • Time required to place and burnish test strip.
  • Time required to place and burnish test strip.
  • Time required to place and burnish test strip.
  • Not a accurate on the lower end of range of measurement capabilities
  • Increased possibility of human error when reading a dial gauge rather than LED screen.
  • Time required to place and burnish test strip.
  • ASTM D4417
  • BASTM D8271
    (SPG TS only)
  • AS 3894.5-C (with
    optional 30° tip)
  • US Navy NSI
  • Navy NAVSEA
  • US Navy NAVSEA
    PPI 63101-000
  • SSPC PA 17
  • SANS 5772
  • and more
  • ASTM D4417
  • ISO 8503-5
  • NACE RP287
  • SSPC-PA 17
  • SSPC-SP5, SP6,
    SP10, SP11-87T
  • and more
  • ASTM D4417
  • ISO 8503-5
  • NACE RP287
  • SSPC-PA 17
  • SSPC-SP5, SP6,
    SP10, SP11-87T
  • and more
  • ASME B46
  • ASTM D4417
  • ISO 8503-5
  • NACE SP287
  • SSPC-PA 17,
    SSPC-SP5, SP6,
    SP10, SP11-87T
  • and more
  • ASTM D8271
  • ISO8503-5,
  • AS3894-5
  • AS1627-4

Surface Profile Gauge Videos

New DeFelsko PosiTector Gage Body

Surface Profile vs. Class of Blast

DeFelsko SPG Product Overview

Is your surface profile costing you in paint?

How is a Surface Profile Needle Gauge as Accurate as Testex Tape?


Learn how to maximize your protective coating and extend the lifetime of your assets

Why use a surface profile gauge?

A variety of problems can arise from incorrect surface profiles. Both too much and too little can be problems. If there is insufficient profile then coating adhesion may be compromised. This is a more pronounced with high build industrial coatings. Too much profile and you risk rogue peaks. These can have very little coating film cover and risk initiating corrosion issues. Over profile can also increase paint consumption. This is a problem with thinner build coatings such as finishing coatings. Surface profile is affected by many factors including abrasive type, abrasive size, quantity of abrasive recycles, blast angle, nozzle distance, nozzle pressure, as well as substrate conditions. Both facility management and coating suppliers can specify profile. Ask them prior to starting work what their specifications are.

How is Surface Profile Measured?

Achieving optimal surface profile is a critical part of surface preparation* before the application of paint, coatings, liners, and cementitious overlays. By using standardized test methods and instrumentation, identifying optimal surface profile is possible—reducing the chance of coating adhesion failure, preventing corrosion, creating ideal paint finishes, and installing resilient cementitious overlays. Measuring anchor profile is essential for QA/QC and to achieve the high-performing and resilient coatings systems that clients expect.

*See also: Soluble Salt Testing and Environmental Monitoring

There are a variety of methods available to determine surface profile and concrete surface profile (CSP) peak-to-valley height, each with differing levels of accuracy and efficiency. Depending on whether a blasted steel surface or a concrete surface is being measured, different tools and instruments can be used.

The most common methods of determining surface profile on blasted steel surfaces include depth micrometers, replica tape readers, replica tape imagers, and drag stylus roughness gages.

Depth Micrometers for Blasted Steel

Depth micrometers fitted with a flat base and fine pointed probe such as the PosiTector SPG, are a low per-test-cost method that use a spring-loaded tip which drops into the valleys of a blasted steel surface to measure peak-to-valley height. With a greater range than replica tape and most stylus roughness instruments, they are a quick and reliable way of determining surface profile.

How to use PosiTector SPG Surface Profile Gage (digital depth micrometer):


Ensure the surface is free of all dust and other contaminants


Place the probe foot level on the surface to be measured


The depth micrometer will display the profile height on-screen

Testex Press-O-Film Replica Tape Readers for Blasted Steel

Replica tape readers such as the PosiTector RTR H or PosiTector RTR 3D use Testex Press-O-Film™ replica tape to determine the anchor pattern of the blasted steel substrate.  It is simple, relatively inexpensive, and is particularly useful on curved surfaces.

How to use PosiTector RTR Replica Tape Reader (digital spring micrometer):


Clean the surface with a putty to remove dust and other contaminants


Place the replica tape (Testex Tape) on the substrate and burnish; the compressible foam within the tape forms a reverse replica of the surface.


Insert the replica tape between the PosiTector RTR’s measurement anvils and take a reading.

Stylus Roughness Testers for Blasted Steel

Drag stylus roughness instruments operate by dragging a stylus at a constant speed across the blasted steel surface being measured. The instrument records the up and down distances the stylus travels as it traverses across the surface and averages the vertical distance between the highest peak and lowest valley (Ra).

Some stylus roughness testers may leave scratches on the surface being measured, potentially contributing to future defects that could cause premature rusting and coatings failures. Additionally, the precise stylus assembly tends to be somewhat fragile, so field use may not be ideal. Lastly, stylus roughness tester’s probe tips can be prone to degradation and reading accuracy may suffer.

Measuring Concrete Surface Profile

The most common methods of determining concrete surface profile (CSP) include depth micrometers, replica putty, and visual comparators.

Depth Micrometers for Concrete Surface Profile

Depth micrometers such as the PosiTector SPG TS, are a no per-test-cost method that use a spring loaded tip (60°—conically shaped) which drops into the valleys of a concrete surface profile to measure peak-to-valley height.

While less expensive methods are available, depth micrometers offer a means to quantitatively record readings in a statistically meaningful way.

Replica Putty

Replica putty is a means of creating a permanent replica of a CSP, similar in concept to replica tape. A 2-part compound is combined then pressed into the surface of a concrete slab. It is then removed and allowed to cure. Using a comparative reference, a subjective profile is assumed.

Comparative Methods

Using molded-rubber “chips”; subjective, comparative assessments may indicate a general profile of a concrete surface. Comparative methods are efficient in that they offer a quick check, but do not provide a quantitative means to measure and record the profile of a concrete surface.

Measuring Profile of Textured Coatings

The profile of textured coatings is often challenging to measure with most depth micrometers, stylus roughness instruments, and replica tape readers due to their greater peak-to-valley heights.

Depth Micrometers for Textured Surface Profile

Depth micrometers with an extended range of 0–60 mils (0–1,500 μm) such as the PosiTector SPG CS are an ideal choice for measuring textured coatings.

Common issues with surface profile gauges

A depth micrometer is fast but it is a spot measurement only not a view of an area and the full range of highs and lows.

A profile tape reader gives a bigger picture (with some models able to provide a 3D magnification of the test area) but it takes time to apply the tape and burnish it. There is also the ongoing cost of the test strips.

The moving stylus type of profile gauge provides similar capabilities to a profile tape system but the stylus is quite delicate and is best suited to laboratory use.

Important considerations when choosing the right surface profile gauge

There are a variety of test standards and measurement methods available to determine surface profile. Generally, the test standard will be determined by the substrate being coated and the test method will be indicated in that test standard.

Surface profile gages such as the PosiTector SPG and replica tape readers such as the PosiTector RTR H and PosiTector RTR 3D are ideal instruments for measuring the peak-to-valley height.  Both types are ideal for measuring the anchor profile on blasted metals such as steel, aluminum, etc.

The PosiTector SPG TS is designed specifically to measure anchor pattern profile on concrete substrates prior to the application of coatings, paints, liners, or cementitious overlays.

Measuring surface profile (or concrete surface profile) assists the inspector in determining if optimal anchor profile has been achieved.

  • Do you need to take a large number of readings quickly?

    A depth gauge type has the highest testing rate but provides a limited view.
  • Are you working on-site?

    The depth gauge type is the most robust. The moving stylus type provides a greater picture but is more fragile.
  • Want to get a panoramic view rather than a spot image, but you’re working in the field?

    The profile gauge type unit is more robust than the moving stylus, but it takes longer to stick the test pieces down and burnish them than other methods and there is the ongoing costs of the test strips.
  • What is the importance of measuring Peak Density (Pd) in addition to Peak Height (H)?

    It is generally accepted that the nature of abrasive blast cleaned steel surfaces is predictive of long-term coating performance. The corrosion industry does not fully understand the dynamics of this complex problem, but it has several measurable parameters available to it including peak height, peak density, surface area, angularity, sharpness, and shape.

    Peak height is commonly measured today and is usually the only parameter reported. While its importance is undeniable, one parameter alone does not fully describe the dynamics of a coating/substrate relationship.

    Peak density is also an important indicator of performance. Research has shown that it is strongly correlated with coating adhesion and resistance to corrosion- perhaps even more than Peak Height. For best coating adhesion and corrosion protection, peak count should be as high as possible while ensuring complete wetting of the prepared surface.

    The ideal approach is to measure peak height (H) and Peak Density (Rpc). The PosiTector RTR 3D Replica Tape Reader measures peak height (H), peak density (Spd) and additional 2D/3D roughness parameters.

  • What is Surface (Anchor) Profile Height?

    Surface (or anchor) profile is generally defined as the complex pattern of peaks and valleys found on a surface or substrate—often created by abrasive blast equipment or by power tools like a bristle blaster, air needle gun, or rotary peen. Specifically, surface profile height is defined differently depending on the test standard referenced. Some examples:

    ASTM D7127—defines surface profile as, “…the positive and negative vertical deviations (peaks and valleys) are measured from a mean line approximately the center of the profile being evaluated.”

    ISO 8503-1—defines it as, “…generally expressed as the height of the major peaks relative to the major valleys.”

    ISO 4287—”Profile that results from the intersection of the real surface by a specified plane.” Real surface being, “Surface limiting the body and separating it from the surrounding medium.

    Paint and coating manufacturers will often specify ideal surface profile.

  • What is the Peak Density and Peak Count of a Surface Profile?

    Peak Density and Peak Count measure the number of peak/valley pairs in a given length or area of the surface profile. They have been shown to be a strong determinant of coating adhesion and corrosion resistance. In fact, studies have found that peak density/count may be a better predictor of coating performance than peak-to-valley surface profile height alone.

    Peak density is a 3D parameter that refers to the number of peaks per unit area- typically expressed in peaks/mm2 or peaks/in2. Peak Density can be measured with a PosiTector RTR 3D or laboratory imaging techniques, and is reported as Spd per ASME B46.1.

    Peak count is a 2D parameter that refers to the number of peak/valley pairs- typically expressed in peaks/mm or peaks/in. Peak Count can be measured using the PosiTector RTR 3D or a drag stylus profilometer, and is reported as Rpc per ASTM D4417.

  • What is Concrete Surface Profile (CSP)?

    Concrete surface profile (CSP) can be defined as the peaks and valleys found on a concrete surface—similar to that of blast profile on steel. Concrete surface profile can affect the adhesion strength of coatings, linings, and cementitious overlays. Additionally, CSP affects the overall aesthetic and performance of the coating, lining, or overlay

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are surface profile gauges calibrated in the factory?

    Surface profile gauges arrive fully calibrated and ready to measure. A Long-Form Certificate of Calibration traceable to NIST or PTB should be included, this documents actual readings taken by your instrument at the calibration laboratory on standards traceable to a national meteorology institute. Beware of ‘Certificates’ or ‘Certificates of Conformance’ offered by seemingly low-coast suppliers. These typically do not include actual instrument readings, and are often insufficient to meet common quality requirements.

    Gage accuracy and correct operation can be verified using the included metal shim and glass zero plate.

  • Can I measure curved surfaces with a profile gauge?

    Yes, it is possible to measure the peak-to-valley surface profile height of convex abrasive blast cleaned surfaces such as pipes and tanks.

    The PosiTector SPG OS probe features an integral V-groove and optional Large V-groove Adapter to assist with proper probe positioning on cylindrical parts. Simply align the V-groove along the axis of the curved surface using the notches on the probe face and/or the indicator arrows on the face of the adapter.

  • Can the surface profile gauges be used on non-metallic substrates?

    Yes! While primarily used to measure blasted steel, surface profile gauges can be used for many applications. Some gauges also feature an extended range and larger radius probe tip to suit a wide range of applications. Including…

    • the surface profile of textured coatings.
    • the surface profile of concrete.

  • Why are there 30˚ and 60˚ tips for the PosiTector SPG?

    The PosiTector SPG uses a durable tungsten carbide tip for long life and continuous accuracy. If required, SPG probe tips can be replaced by the gage operator.

    The 60° tip complies with most test standards including ASTM D 4417 B.
    30° tips are available for conformance to Australian standard AS 3994.5-C.

  • How often should surface profile be re-calibrated?

    Quality surface profile gauges include a Certificate of Calibration showing traceability to NIST or PTB included (Long Form) with each probe—with no expiry or end date. They have no shelf life, therefore the length of time in the field is not a good indicator for recalibration intervals. Many organizations with quality programs and recertification programs require annual re-calibrations, and this is a good starting point for most users. It is recommended that customers establish calibration intervals based upon their own experience and work environment. A one year calibration interval from the date the instrument was placed in service is a good starting point.

Surface Profile Parameters

Roughness is measured with readings characterized in either 2D or 3D parameters.

2D Parameters

Ra — Roughness average: arithmetic average of the absolute values of the profile height deviations within the evaluation length measured from the mean line

Rq — RMS roughness: root mean square average of the profile heights within the evaluation length measured from the mean line

Rz — Average maximum height of the profile: arithmetic average of the successive values of the maximum peak to deepest valley within each sampling interval calculated over the evaluation length

Rp — Maximum profile peak height: the distance between the highest point of the profile and the mean line within the evaluation length

Rv — Maximum profile valley depth: the distance between the deepest valley and the mean line within the evaluation length

Rt — Total profile height: the distance between the highest peak and the deepest valley within the evaluation length

Rpc — Peak count: number of peaks per unit length within the evaluation length

Rpc Boundary C1 — The boundary lines located equidistant above and below the profile mean line. A Peak is counted after the trace goes below the lower boundary line and above the upper boundary line. The default is 0.5 µm

3D Parameters

H — Average maximum peak-to-valley height: the distance between the anvils minus the 50.8 µm (2 mils) of incompressible film

Spd — Areal peak density: the number of peaks per unit area

Sa — Average roughness: the arithmetic average of the absolute values of the measured height deviations from the mean surface taken within the evaluation area

Sq — Root mean square roughness: the root mean square average of the measured height deviations from the mean surface taken within the evaluation area

Sz — Maximum area peak-to-valley height: the vertical distance between the maximum peak height and the maximum valley depth. Commonly referred to as St

Sp — Maximum area peak height: the maximum height in the evaluation area with respect to the mean surface

Sv — Maximum valley depth: the absolute value of the minimum height in the evaluation area with respect to the mean surface

Surface Profile Test Standards

For Steel Substrates

  • ASTM D4417—Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel

    Related products: PosiTector SPGPosiTector RTR HPosiTector RTR 3D

    ASTM D4417 defines several methods for determining the surface profile of blast cleaned steel.*

    • Profile comparators (Method A)
    • Depth micrometers (Method B)
    • Replica tape (spring micrometers/readers) (Method C)
    • Stylus roughness instruments (Method D)

    “1.1 These test methods cover the description of techniques for measuring the profile of abrasive blast cleaned surfaces in the field, shop, and laboratory. There are other techniques suitable for laboratory use not covered by these test methods.”

    The standard defines and describes the instruments listed for each method, sample preparation, calibration and standardization, test procedures, reporting, and more.

    *Refer to ASTM D4417 for a complete description of the test standard

  • AS 3894.5—Site testing of protective coatings, Method 5: Determination of surface profile

    Related products: PosiTector SPGPosiTector RTR HPosiTector RTR 3DPosiTestPosiTector 6000 (ferrous or ferrous/nonferrous probes)

    AS 3894.5 defines peak-to-valley similarly to the language ISO 8503-1 in that it is concerned with the relative difference in height between the peaks and valleys of a test area.* Similar to ASTM D4417 (above), it provides several methods of obtaining a surface profile measurement:

    • Replica tape (thickness gage/readers) (Method A)
    • Profile comparators (Method B)
    • Needle-Type depth micrometers (with a 30° probe tip) (Method C)
    • Magnetic-Type Thickness Gage (Method D)

    “This Standard provides practical procedures for use in the field, to evaluate the surface profile of a prepared metal substrate to which a protective coating is to be applied. This Method is applicable to surfaces that have been prepared by abrasive blast cleaning in accordance with AS 1627.4.”

    The standard describes the instruments listed for each method or provides references, sample preparation, test procedures for each method, as well as how to report.

    *Refer to AS 3894.5 for a complete description of the test standard

  • SSPC-PA 17—Determining Profile Compliance

    SSPC-PA 17—Determining Profile Compliance

    Related products: PosiTector SPGPosiTector RTR HPosiTector RTR 3D

    SSPC-PA 17 references several ASTM and ISO standards (such as ASTM D4417, ASME B46.1, ISO 4287, ISO 8503-4, and more) to establish certain definitions and test methods. Whereas ASTM D4417 sets out the procedure for preforming a single test, SSPC-PA 17 provides guidance on the frequency and locations of those tests.

    *Refer to SSPC-PA 17 for a complete description of the test standard

  • U.S. Navy NSI 009-32—Cleaning and Painting Requirements

    Related products: PosiTector SPGPosiTector RTR HPosiTector RTR 3D

    U.S. Navy NSI 009-32 is a thorough document aimed at cleaning and painting requirements to maintain U.S. Navy assets.* Referencing standards such as ASTM D4417 methods B & C (depth micrometers and replica tape, respectively.)

    “Profile measurements shall be taken in accordance with Method B or Method C of 2.9.” (Section 2.9 being the reference to ASTM D4417—Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel.)

    The standard modifies some requirements of the referenced standards, such as the amount of measurement locations per measurement method—thus it is strongly recommended to review the contents of U.S. NAVY NSI 009-32 for a better understanding of its requirements.

    *Refer to U.S. Navy NSI 009-32 for a complete description of the test standard

  • SANS 5772—Preparation of steel substrates before the application of paints and related products — Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel surfaces — Profile of blast-cleaned surfaces determined by a micrometer profile gauge

    Related products: PosiTector SPG

    The SANS 5772 test standard uses a micrometer profile gauge to determine surface profile on blast-cleaned steal surfaces.*

    “This standard specifies a method for the determination of the surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel surfaces before painting or application of related products, with a micrometer profile gage.”

    *Refer to SANS 5772 for a complete description of the test standard

For Concrete Substrates

  • ASTM D8271—Standard Test Method for the Direct Measurement of Surface Profile of Prepared Concrete

    Related product: PosiTector SPG TS

    ASTM D8271 standardizes the measurement of concrete surface profile (CSP).* Similar to Method B of ASTM D4417, it defines a depth micrometer as well as the testing procedure, number of readings, and reporting requirements.

    “1.1 This test method is suitable for both field and laboratory use to quantify the depth of surface profile of prepared concrete. It may also be used on unprepared concrete surfaces.”

    “3.1 The depth of profile is measured using a fine pointed probe at a predetermined number of locations, and the range and arithmetic mean of the maximum peak-to-valley distances is determined.”

    *Refer to ASTM D8271 for a complete description of the test standard

  • ASTM D7682—Standard Test Method for Replication and Measurement of Concrete Surface Profiles Using Replica Putty

    ASTM D7682 instructs the user on how to use a two-part, fast-curing putty to create a reverse-replica of a concrete surface. Once cured, it can then be used with either an ICRI visual comparator (Method A) or a specially designed spring-less micrometer (Method B) to determine the surface profile of a concrete slab.

    “1.1 This test method is suitable for both field and laboratory use to obtain a permanent record of concrete surface profile using replica putty and to determine the depth of that surface profile.”

    Measurement procedures are available for both methods as well as reporting requirements. A precision and bias study is available as well.

    *Refer to ASTM D7682 for a complete description of the test standard

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