Abrasive Media Selection Guide

Selection of abrasive blasting media will have a massive impact on the performance of any blasting system and the overall profitability of the project. Choosing the correct media which is best designed for the environment, process being conducted or the result required will effect the overall cost and time of the project.

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Abrasive Media Selection Guide

Six questions to ask when choosing an abrasive media.

Before purchasing a specific abrasive it is recommended to consider these 6 key points.

Abrasive Media Selection Guide

When abrasive media is used as part of the surface preparation process, the intention is to both remove any and all surface contaminates while also preparing the substrate to receive a coating material – you will want to use a sub-angular abrasive shape like GMA Garnet.

When abrasive media is used for the process of cleaning a surface of contaminates without imparting a surface profile onto the substrate – you will typically be using a rounded abrasive like glass beads or steel shot.

The major purpose behind reclaiming and recycling abrasive media is to lower the overal cost of the project process. Abrasive medias ability to be reclaimed varies widely and some abrasive, while effective in the blasting process, are not economical unless being used with a recycling system.

If you are in a blastroom application, you can use a recyclable abrasive like steel grit or GMA Garnet

Dust generated by the abrasive media during the blasting process varies dependent on the friability of the abrasive particle. In environments close to residential housing or other environments that require the minimization of dust generation, selecting an abrasive that generates low dust is critical.

To successfully apply several types of coating material, a specified surface profile will need to be created for optimal adhesion. Creation of excess surface profile can shorten the life of thin, low build coatings. Creation of an insufficient profile for high build coatings can lead to delamination of the coating and a lower than expected life. Requiring that the surface be redone sooner than projected.

Some abrasives leave the surface cleaner then others, which can have a substantial impact on the coating adhesion. Abrasives like Slag have a very sharp particle which often leaves a high amount of surface imbedment, this will reduce your coating adhesion.

Abrasive particle size, strength and shape all have an impact on blasting speed. You need to anaylse the coating that you are removing and choose your abrasive carefully. Choosing an abrasive which is similar size to the coating, but as fine as possible will ensure your abrasive will cut the coating.

Choose the abrasive that will blast the fastest

Choosing the correct type and grade of abrasive is sometimes difficult with all the different options. Here are the three first things you need to consider to ensure you make the right choice, and will blast the fastest

Abrasive Media Selection Guide

Particle Size

The ideal abrasive particle size is one that has the largest particle of an equal size to the thickness of the surface coating to be removed. Where the abrasive particle size is larger than the surface coating a reduction in hit rate of particles reduced require more abrasive to remove the coating. Larger abrasive also fills the pot and can lead to shorter blasting time and lower productivity as the blasting operator will require to stop and refill more often than the use of an optimally sized abrasive.

Abrasive Media Selection Guide

Particle Strength

Strength of the abrasive particles determines the durability and therefore the recyclability of the abrasive media. Stronger abrasive grains will convert more of the pressure into energy when it impacts the blasting surface producing a faster effect on removal of the coating. Weaker or softer abrasives grains disintegrate on contact lowering there effectiveness and also generating more environmental dust.

Abrasive Media Selection Guide

Particle Shape

The Abrasive particle shape will determine your cutting speed and also the shape of your profile. A sub-angular particle will remove coatings and millscale faster then round particles. If a particle is to angular it will likely embed in the surface and could become impregnated. Round abrasives are used for peening.

GMA Garnet – making the tough jobs easy

Why does BlastOne always talk about GMA Garnet

Well, after 35 years since the launch of our relationship with GMA Garnet, BlastOne are still yet to find another abrasive that is as versatile and effective as GMA Garnet.

Learn more about Garnet for yourself, there are many different reasons why GMA Garnet is the #1 Garnet used and recommended in the world. It is cost effective, clean, fast and it can make you more profitable.

Abrasive Cost Analysis

Formula for calculating cost of abrasive for your project.

GMA vs Indian Garnet

Lower dust blasting and cleaner surfaces.

History of Garnet

Where has garnet abrasive come from to take over the market.

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