Abrasive Blasting Calculator


The formula below will make sure you stay on track to make sure you are covering your blasting costs and expenses.
Stay on top of the following data:
Blasting Labor Cost ($/hr)
● Abrasive Cost (delivered to site)
● Cleanup/Disposal Cost
● Cleaning Production Rate (ft²/hr)
● Abrasive Consumption Rate (lbs/hr)
Equipment Cost ($/hr)


By choosing the wrong abrasive, your profit can be significantly reduced! Speak with a BlastOne representative today to optimize your blasting.

The Calculator

Abrasive Cost (delivered to site)

Make sure you include the delivery cost

Abrasive Cleanup and Disposal

Includes cartage, landfill, etc.

Abrasive Consumption Rate

Blasting Labor Cost

Include holiday allowance, superannuation, WorkCover, etc

Equipment Cost

Compressor, blast unit, truck, power, fuel, insurance…

Cleaning Production Rate

Estimate this value if not completely sure

Your True Cost of Blast Cleaning (per ft²)

DISCLAIMER: The above calculator is only a guide and does not represent nor claim to be either a full or complete or accurate nor an approved or standard method of calculating blasting efficiency. It is the responsibility of the reader and/or users of this information to determine and verify each calculation as required in or by any work specifications and/or standards. BlastOne expressly disclaims any liability for the use or misuse of the above information.

Selecting the wrong abrasive can greatly reduce your profit! We would be happy to consult with you to figure out if you are blasting in the most optimal way. Contact us today with any questions!

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