Home / Blast Nozzle Buying Guide

Blast Nozzle Buying Guide

This page will introduce you to our line of standard, high performance, and specialty blast nozzles.

Our years of experience and jobsite consultations have proven that your nozzle has a profound impact on your productivity and profitability.

Should you have a special application and need advice, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer service.

General Purpose & High Performance Standard Nozzles

Name Sizes Thread Best Scenarios Benefits
Tungsten Carbide Standard Blast Nozzle TVP TUNGSTEN CARBIDE BLAST NOZZLE 3 /4 /5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 10 / 12 1-1/4” (32mm) Fine thread

2” (50mm) Contractor thread

2″ Flanged

Basic industrial grade nozzle for general purpose applications Tungsten Carbide liner is the lowest cost upfront of any industrial blast nozzle.
Ultra-Tuff Standard Blast Nozzle ULTRA-TUFF SILICON NITRIDE BLAST NOZZLE 3 / 4 /5 / 6 / 7 / 8 1-1/4” (32mm) Fine thread

2” (50mm) Contractor thread

Enhanced industrial grade nozzle for general purpose applications SiNi liner is lower in weight, lasts longer, and is less brittle than tungsten carbide.  Due to the longer life, total cost of ownership is usually same or lower than tungsten carbide while also reducing operator fatigue.

2” (50mm) Contractor thread

Enhanced industrial grade nozzle designed for sweep (brush) blast applications and concrete blasting Enlarged blast pattern for faster production on large brush blast projects.  Reduces chance of exposing aggregate when blasting concrete.

Note:  Also known as Bazooka Nozzle.

Fan Blast Nozzle FAN SILICON NITRIDE BLAST NOZZLE 6 (only) 1-1/4” (32mm) Fine thread

2” (50mm) Contractor thread

Like the Raptor, the Fan nozzle is designed for sweep and concrete blasting applications. Same SiNi benefits as Ultra nozzle.  Similar benefits to Raptor nozzle except lower in cost and limited to #6 orifice and recommended for use with 1” ID blast hose (with correspondingly lower production.)

2” (50mm) Contractor thread

Enhanced industrial grade nozzle designed for tough coating removal applications and/or blasting tank floors. Concentrated blast pattern provides faster performance for  tough coating removal and/or allows blasting at greater distance from surface.  (e.g. reduces need for operators to bend over to blast floors.)

Tungsten Carbide Standard Blast Nozzle Ultra-Tuff Standard Blast Nozzle Silicon Nitride Blast Nozzle Fan Blast Nozzle Silicon Nitride Blast Nozzle
Sizes 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 10 / 12 3 / 4 /5 / 6 / 7 / 8 4 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 10 / 12 6 (only) 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 10
Thread 1-1/4” (32mm) Fine thread

2” (50mm) Contractor thread

2″ Flanged

1-1/4” (32mm) Fine thread

2” (50mm) Contractor thread

1-1/4” (32mm) Fine thread

2” (50mm) Contractor thread

1-1/4” (32mm) Fine thread

2” (50mm) Contractor thread

1-1/4” (32mm) Fine thread

2” (50mm) Contractor thread

Best Scenarios Basic industrial grade nozzle for general purpose applications Enhanced industrial grade nozzle for general purpose applications Enhanced industrial grade nozzle designed for sweep (brush) blast applications and concrete blasting Like the Raptor, the Fan nozzle is designed for sweep and concrete blasting applications. Enhanced industrial grade nozzle designed for tough coating removal applications and/or blasting tank floors.
Benefits Tungsten Carbide liner is the lowest cost upfront of any industrial blast nozzle. SiNi liner is lower in weight, lasts longer, and is less brittle than tungsten carbide.  Due to the longer life, total cost of ownership is usually same or lower than tungsten carbide while also reducing operator fatigue. Enlarged blast pattern for faster production on large brush blast projects.  Reduces chance of exposing aggregate when blasting concrete.

Note:  Also known as Bazooka Nozzle.

Same SiNi benefits as Ultra nozzle.  Similar benefits to Raptor nozzle except lower in cost and limited to #6 orifice and recommended for use with 1” ID blast hose (with correspondingly lower production.) Concentrated blast pattern provides faster performance for tough coating removal and/or allows blasting at greater distance from surface.  (e.g. reduces need for operators to bend over to blast floors.)

General Purpose & High-Performance Silenced Nozzles

Name Sizes Thread Best Scenarios Benefits
SnakeBite Flex Blast Nozzle SNAKEBITE® FLEX BLAST NOZZLE 6 / 7 / 8 2” (50mm) Coarse
Contractor Thread
Any general purpose application, especially those with limited space, where noise reduction would be valuable. Up to 16db noise reduction.

  • Can allow blasting during times when it would otherwise be noise-restricted.
  • Excellent for use in blast rooms inside factories or on project sites where other personnel are working nearby.
  • Helps protect against cumulative hearing loss.

Up to 45% thrust reduction.

  • Much less tiring for the operator.
  • Improves safety / stress when working at heights.

Shorter length reduces cost and allows use in limited space environments.

SnakeBite XQ Blast Nozzle SNAKEBITE® XQ BLAST NOZZLE 6 / 7 / 8 2” (50mm) Coarse
Contractor Thread
Enhanced general purpose designed for tough coating applications and/or blasting tank floors where noise reduction would be valuable. Same noise and thrust benefits as Snakebite Flex.  Extended venturi length provides faster performance for coating removal and/or allows blasting at greater distances from the surface.  (e.g. reduces need for operators to bend over to blast floors.)
Snakebite Strike blast nozzle SNAKEBITE® STRIKE BLAST NOZZLE 10 2” (50mm) Coarse
Contractor Thread
Large blasting projects (especially those utilizing VertiDrive robotic blasters), where sufficient air is available and where noise reduction would be valuable. Same benefits as Snakebite XQ.  The large #10 orifice provides fastest production of any quiet nozzle yet the thrust reduction still allows an operator to hold it by hand.
NINJA SILENCED BLAST NOZZLES 4 / 5 / 6 / 7  2” (50mm) Contractor thread and 1-1/4” (32mm) Fine Thread Certain general purpose applications, especially one where air supply is limited and/or where fine thread nozzles are required. Low cost.  Smaller orifice sizes allow for silenced blasting benefits where compressed air supply will not support the bigger Snakebite nozzle orifices.  Note:  Apples-to-apples field comparisons between Ninja and Snakebite show that a higher level of noise attenuation and faster production speed are experienced with the Snakebite.  If in doubt about your specific situation, contact BlastOne for details about a trial offer.

SnakeBite Flex Blast Nozzle SnakeBite XQ Blast Nozzle Snakebite Strike blast nozzle Ninja silenced blast nozzles
Sizes 6 / 7 / 8 6 / 7 / 8 10 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Thread 2” (50mm) Contractor thread 2” (50mm) Contractor thread 2” (50mm) Contractor thread 2” (50mm) Contractor thread and 1-1/4” (32mm) Fine Thread
Best Scenarios Any general purpose application, especially those with limited space, where noise reduction would be valuable. Enhanced general purpose designed for tough coating applications and/or blasting tank floors where noise reduction would be valuable. Large blasting projects (especially those utilizing VertiDrive robotic blasters), where sufficient air is available and where noise reduction would be valuable. Certain general purpose applications, especially one where air supply is limited and/or where fine thread nozzles are required.
Benefits Up to 16db noise reduction.

  • Can allow blasting during times when it would otherwise be noise-restricted.
  • Excellent for use in blast rooms inside factories or on project sites where other personnel are working nearby.
  • Helps protect against cumulative hearing loss.

Up to 45% thrust reduction.

  • Much less tiring for the operator.
  • Improves safety / stress when working at heights.

Shorter length reduces cost and allows use in limited space environments.

Same noise and thrust benefits as Snakebite Flex.  Extended venturi length provides faster performance for coating removal and/or allows blasting at greater distances from the surface.  (e.g. reduces need for operators to bend over to blast floors.) Same benefits as Snakebite XQ.  The large #10 orifice provides fastest production of any quiet nozzle yet the thrust reduction still allows an operator to hold it by hand. Low cost.  Smaller orifice sizes allow for silenced blasting benefits where compressed air supply will not support the bigger Snakebite nozzle orifices.  Note:  Apples-to-apples field comparisons between Ninja and Snakebite show that a higher level of noise attenuation and faster production speed are experienced with the Snakebite.  If in doubt about your specific situation, contact BlastOne for details about a trial offer.

Angle Blast Nozzles

Name Sizes Thread Best Applications Benefits
Curved banana blast nozzles CURVED BLAST
4 / 5 / 6 / 8 ¾” (20mm) Medium thread 40° curve allows greater ability to blast projects with areas somewhat difficult to access, such as around corners, etc.
  • Long-life boron carbide liner.
  • Easy handling although it requires a specialty medium thread nozzle holder or adapter.
FULL SIZE ANGLE BLAST NOZZLE AAM FULL-SIZE ANGLE BLAST NOZZLE 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 1-1/4” (32mm) Fine thread

2” (50mm) Contractor thread

Projects including blast areas that are moderately hard to reach, such as back of I-beams, bridge lattice, and inside larger pipes.  Must be able to be accessed with a standard-size blast nozzle.
  • Tungsten carbide liner.
  • Available with 1, 2, 3 or even 4 outlets for greater blast coverage in tight spaces.
  • Outlets are directional forward, right angle, reverse and even combined forward and reverse blasting.
  • Note:  multiple outlets increase compressed air requirements accordingly.
ATA Medium size angle blast nozzle ATA MEDIUM-SIZE ANGLE BLAST NOZZLE 2 / 3 /4 / 5 / 6 ¾” (20mm) Medium thread Similar application to AAM type, but the smaller size allows access to even tighter areas.
  • Tungsten carbide liner.
  • Same details as AAM type except combined forward and backward directional blasting is not an option.
Tite Space Blast Nozzle TITE-SPACE LANCE ANGLE BLAST NOZZLE 2 / 3 / 4 / 6 3/8” NPT thread in either Male or Female Blast areas with extremely limited access, such as inside holes or channels.
  • Tungsten carbide liner.
  • Attaches to a threaded pipe, which can be 10 to 60 inches in length for greater blasting reach.
  • Other details same as ATA type.

Curved banana blast nozzles AAM Full Size Angle blast nozzle ATA Medium Size Angle blast nozzle Tite Space Lance angle blast nozzle
Sizes 4 / 5 / 6 / 8 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 2 / 3 / 4 / 6
Thread ¾” (20mm) Medium thread 1-1/4” (32mm) Fine thread

2” (50mm) Contractor thread

¾” (20mm) Medium thread 3/8” NPT thread in either Male or Female
Best Applications 40° curve allows greater ability to blast projects with areas somewhat difficult to access, such as around corners, etc. Projects including blast areas that are moderately hard to reach, such as back of I-beams, bridge lattice, and inside larger pipes.  Must be able to be accessed with a standard-size blast nozzle. Similar application to AAM type, but the smaller size allows access to even tighter areas. Blast areas with extremely limited access, such as inside holes or channels.
Benefits Long-life boron carbide liner.  Easy handling although it requires a specialty medium thread nozzle holder or adapter.
  • Tungsten carbide liner.
  • Available with single, dual, triple or quad outlets for greater blast coverage in tight spaces.
  • Outlets are directional forward, right angle, reverse and even combined forward and reverse blasting.
  • Note:  multiple outlets increase compressed air requirements accordingly.
Tungsten carbide liner.  Same details as AAM type except combined forward and backward directional blasting is not an option.
  • Tungsten carbide liner.
  • Attaches to a threaded pipe, which can be 10 to 60 inches in length for greater blasting reach.
  • Other details same as ATA type.

Short Blast Nozzles

Name Sizes Thread Best Applications Benefits
Straight Bore 1-5/8” long blast nozzle AT STRAIGHT BORE, 1-5/8” BLAST NOZZLE 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 ¾” (20mm) Medium thread.  Available in All Aluminum or All Steel jacket. Blasting where a tight blast pattern is required (such as railings, etc.) and when blasting less than 12” from surface. Tungsten carbide liner.  Uses compact medium-thread nozzle holders.
Straight Bore 3-3/8” long ATSB STRAIGHT BORE, 3-3/8” BLAST NOZZLE 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 1-1/4” (32mm) Fine thread. Available in Poly w/brass threads and also All Poly (by special order) Blasting where a tight blast pattern is required (such as railings) and when using a standard fine thread nozzle holder is preferred. Tungsten carbide liner.  Uses common fine-thread nozzle holders.
Composite Image of 3 Short Blast Venturi Nozzles ATSW VENTURI BORE, 3-3/8” BLAST NOZZLE 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 10 / 12 1-1/4” (32mm) Fine thread
2” (50mm) Contractor thread
Available in 3 styles:  All poly, brass, or aluminum
Blasting where a wider blast pattern is required and when blasting less than 12” from surface. Tungsten carbide liner.  Venturi design provides wider blast pattern and faster cleaning than straight bore.

Straight Bore, 1-5/8” long Straight Bore 3-3/8” long Composite Image of 3 Short Blast Venturi Nozzles
Sizes 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 3 / 4 / 5 / 6  /7  /8 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 10  /12
Thread ¾” (20mm) Medium thread.

Available in All Aluminum or All Steel jacket.

1-1/4” (32mm) Fine thread.

Available in Poly w/brass threads and also All Poly (by special order)

1-1/4” (32mm) Fine thread  2” (50mm)

Contractor thread Available in 3 styles:  All Poly, Poly w/brass threads, and Poly with aluminum threads

Best Applications Blasting where a tight blast pattern is required (such as railings, etc.) and when blasting less than 12” from surface. Blasting where a tight blast pattern is required (such as railings) and when using a standard fine thread nozzle holder is preferred. Blasting where a wider blast pattern is required and when blasting less than 12” from surface.
  • Tungsten carbide liner.
  • Uses compact medium-thread nozzle holders.
  • Tungsten carbide liner.
  • Uses common fine-thread nozzle holders.
  • Tungsten carbide liner.
  • Venturi design provides wider blast pattern and faster cleaning than straight bore.

ID & In-Tool Blast Nozzles

Name Sizes Thread Best Scenarios Benefits
Internal 360 blast nozzle 360° BLAST NOZZLE (AKA ID NOZZLE) 2” (50mm) Contractor thread Blasting inside of pipe between 2.5 and 5 inches ID Replaceable tungsten carbide tip.  The easiest dedicated internal pipe blaster to use.
For ConeBlast ID blasters FOR CONEBLAST ID BLASTERS 8 / 10 Unthreaded nozzle with deflector tip Smaller or occasional Internal Pipe projects where the pipe ID ranges from 3-12 inches Lower up-front cost.
FOR ROTORBLAST ID BLASTERS 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 ¾” (20mm) Medium thread.
  • Larger Internal Pipe projects.
  • For pipe from 8-11” ID, use the BNAT nozzles, for 12-36” pipe, use BNASB nozzles.
  • Note:  RotorBlast equipment uses 2 nozzles.
Increased production speed.
Vacuum Blast Workhead Nozzles FOR VACUUM BLAST  WORKHEADS Various Various Vacuum blasting is done where immediate dust capture is required.  There are various styles of workheads (right-angle, pistol-grip, wheeled, etc.) and the nozzles vary for each type. Dust capture while blasting.

Internal 360 blast nozzle For ConeBlast ID blasters Vacuum Blast Workhead Nozzles
Sizes 8 / 10 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Various
Thread 2” (50mm) Contractor thread Unthreaded nozzle with deflector tip ¾” (20mm) Medium thread. Various
Best Scenarios Blasting inside of pipe between 2.5 and 5 inches ID Smaller or occasional Internal Pipe projects where the pipe ID ranges from 3-12 inches
  • Larger Internal Pipe projects.
  • For pipe from 8-11” ID, use the BNAT nozzles, for 12-36” pipe, use BNASB nozzles.
  • Note:  RotorBlast equipment uses 2 nozzles.
Vacuum blasting is done where immediate dust capture is required.  There are various styles of workheads (right-angle, pistol-grip, wheeled, etc.) and the nozzles vary for each type.
Benefits Replaceable tungsten carbide tip.  The easiest dedicated internal pipe blaster to use. Lower up-front cost. Increased production speed. Dust capture while blasting.

Blast Nozzle Info & Troubleshooting Videos

I have five different #8 blast nozzles. They’re all different and they all have different applications. The most common (nozzle) in the industry is what we call the TVP nozzle. It is a Tungsten Carbide blast nozzle which is great for your general purpose blasting. It’s very heavy and it does wear quite quickly. It’s been typically surpassed in the industry and replaced by the Ultratuff blast nozzle.

The Ultratuff has a silica nitride liner. Completely encased in urethane, it lasts twice as long and it’s about half the weight so it typically replaced the TVP tungsten carbide nozzle.

There are some other unique application nozzles worth talking about. The Bazooka nozzle here. This bazooka nozzle has a wider throat which means when you’re doing sweep blasting or blasting concrete for a decorative pattern, it provides you a very good consistent decorative pattern.

The hyper nozzle design has got a 30% longer exit which means the abrasives will speed up about 30% faster.

So when you’re moving tough coatings, the hyper nozzle is the best nozzle to use, or if you’re trying to blast at a further distance; like you’re blasting a tank floor and you want to stand upright versus bending all the way over. That’s where the hyper nozzle was used. Finally we have the Snakebite XQ blast nozzle. This blast nozzle has a silencer on it which will reduce the noise pollution coming from blasting by 75% (versus all these other nozzles). So if you’re working and you’ve got noise complaints the Snakebite nozzle is a solution for you. So if you’re working in a facility where you’ve got other workers, other trades working around you, you can reduce all noise complaints by using a Snakebite nozzle. It also reduces the kickback thrust on the blaster by 45%, which means they can use a larger blaster nozzle getting more work done, and have reduced fatigue.

Just talking about wear life:
* this Raptor nozzle will last you about 400 hours
* the general purpose TVP nozzle lasts about 250 hours
* expect the ultra nozzle to last about four to five hundred hours
* the hyper four to five hundred hours
* and we expect the snakebite XQ to last 500 hours

Most nozzles last about the same except for the tungsten carbide nozzle (the heaviest nozzle, the hardest to use) is only about 250.

There we have it five number eight blast nozzles from blast one you can order them all online today thank you very much.

Here’s a brand-new nozzle designed specifically for contractors blasting at lower pressures between 70-90 psi.

It’s the newest member of our Snakebite product-line, and we call it the Low Pressure Silencer (LPS).

It delivers the same benefits as our traditional Snakebite nozzles do between 90-110psi.

What are those benefits?

  • The nozzles reduce blasting noise by up to 75%.
  • They reduce kick-back thrust up to 45%. Less thrust means blasters won’t fatigue as quickly and can be productive longer each day.
  • And finally, both our standard pressure Snakebites and the new LPS nozzles last up to 4X longer than your common tungsten carbide nozzles.

So for anyone required to blast at pressures less than 100psi we’ve now got a Snakebite for you.

Whichever Snakebite you choose, based on your pressure and pattern-size – it’s bound to deliver a Faster, Safer, Cleaner project.

Today we’re talking about hyper nozzles. These are available in three sizes in fine thread, and four sizes in coarse thread.

This is from a 5/16th all the way through to a half inch and where to use a hyper nozzle.

Generally speaking, you want to use a hyper nozzle when you’ve got a tough coating to remove.Because of the longer barrel, it gives you a more concentrated pattern with higher energy… and so the longer the abrasive particles are in the Venturi the faster it speeds up… but it naturally tightens that pattern a little bit. So compared to a typical Ultra nozzle which is you know say this this long for a number eight, you’ve got an extra three inches or so that the abrasive particle is inside the Venturi, and speeding up, and so that when it actually hits the surface it’s hitting faster, but as a tighter pattern… and it’s really good for moving those those type of coatings.

The other application is really good for is when you’re blasting a floor or something and you don’t want to be bending over… it gives you a greater shooting distance, and so a blaster can hold it further away from the surface and it will naturally widen out that pattern a little bit – from that distance, but that’s the main application.

You’ll notice these have a knurled-grip handpiece that makes them easy to hold particularly with gloves.. and while it is an aluminum case, it has a urethane cushioning layer between the liner and the case to protect it from damage.

And the liner is silica nitride as well, right? So its life wear is not as friable as tungsten carbide… so it’s going to last probably twice as long as a tungsten carbide nozzle and not be as susceptible to shattering.

Understanding The Hidden Costs of Worn Blast Nozzles

How To Determine If Your Blast Nozzle Needs Replacing

A Worn Blast Nozzle Can Dramatically Reduce Efficiency

Special Nozzle To Sandblast Extremely Tight Spaces

How to Check if your Blast Nozzle is Worn

UltraTuff Blast Nozzle

The Ultra-Tuff Blast Nozzle Challenge

Care and use of Blast Nozzles

Air Consumption (CFM) per Blast Nozzle – using Garnet abrasive


Nozzle Size Nozzle Pressure
50 psi 60 psi 70 psi 80 psi 90 psi 100 psi 110 psi 120 psi* 130 psi* 140 psi* 150 psi*
No. 2 1/8″ 14 17 19 21 24 26 28 30 32 34 37
No. 3 3/16″ 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 83
No. 4 1/4″ 57 66 75 84 93 103 111 119 127 136 185
No. 5 5/16″ 89 103 117 131 145 158 172 186 200 214 229
No. 6 3/8″ 129 149 169 189 209 229 249 269 289 309 330
No. 7 7/16″ 176 203 230 258 285 312 339 367 394 422 451
No. 8 1/2″ 229 265 300 336 371 407 442 478 513 549 586
No. 10 5/8″ 356 412 468 524 580 632 688 744 800 856 914
No. 12 3/4″ 516 596 676 756 836 916 996 1076 1156 1236 1318
Efficiency 47% 55% 64% 74% 86% 100% 115% 130% 145% 165% 175%
* Ensure equipment is rated for these pressures

The Magic Effect of a Venturi Blast Nozzle

Worn Venturi / Straight Bore Nozzle

Worn venturi nozzle

Wide Throat Long Venturi

Wide throat venturi

Approximate Abrasive Speed

215 mph

346 km/h

Approximate Abrasive Speed

450 mph

724 km/h


Inefficient blast pattern with concentrated center spot

Lightly blasted edges


Efficient blast pattern with large, even blast coverage and boosted productivity!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to choose the right size blast nozzle?

    Predominantly in the industrial sandblasting market, the # 6 nozzle is the most common followed closely by a # 7. This is 6/16th or 3/8th and 7/16th size. When choosing a nozzle for sandblasting it is important to maintain to get the right size, you can maintain 100 psi at the nozzle. This means you base the size nozzle on your compressor and the work you have to do. To maintain 100 psi is very simple to calculate, cfm requirements and your air compressor. For example, there’s a table included on this page, which gives you the amount of cfm you need for each nozzle size. The other implication on nozzle size is how big of a blast pattern you want and how much you have to do. A smaller blast nozzle will have a smaller pattern and blast slower. So, if you have production and you have the right sized compressor, go as large as you can. The largest nozzle as a man can hold.

  • How to test a blast nozzle for wear

    Testing a blast nozzle for wear is very simple using the right tool, a Nozzle Analyzer Gauge. This gauge is conical in nature and is inserted out the back of the nozzle and twisted to make a mark, so we can see how large the nozzle is. You can see more in our video or click directly to buy this product online.

  • How much wear is acceptable on a blast nozzle

    BlastOne recommends for industrial sandblasting that blasters change their nozzle once it reaches to more than ½ size larger than the optimal nozzle size. That means if you’re blasting with a 7/16th nozzle you should replace it before it gets to a 1/2-inch size. This is because maintaining the adequate pressure at the nozzle, 100 psi will give you your optimum blasting speeds and performance. Allowing your nozzles to wear out, will reduce your pressure, reduce your productivity and cost you more money in the long run. It’s cheaper to replace your nozzle.

  • Is there any relationship between the blast nozzle size and the blast hose size?

    Yes. It is important to maintain the blast hose to be 3 times the size of your blast nozzle. This means if you’re using a 3/8th nozzle, you need to have at least an inch and a quarter blast hose. If you’re using a ½ inch nozzle, you need to use at least an inch and a half blast hose.

  • Which blast nozzle thread should you use?

    The most optimal blast nozzle thread for industrial sandblasters is the Coarse Contractor Thread as it does not jam in the nozzle holder. However, if you’re using a nozzle, using a small blast hose to get into a tight space, then you may want to use a medium thread nozzle holder and nozzle size.

  • How long does a blast nozzle last?

    A Tungsten Carbide blast nozzle lasts for about 200-250 hours of blasting. A Silica Nitride blast nozzle lasts for 400-500 hours. And Ultra-Tough and Snakebite blast nozzle typically last over 500 hours actual blasting.

  • How far should I hold the blast nozzle from the surface?

    Most industry guides recommend holding the blast nozzle between 12-18 inches away from the surface and maintaining a consistent angle, 90 degrees from the surface. This will give you the best angular, deep profile that will ensure your painting and coating will stick.

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